But many say that the more educated a person, the more happiness they will find.
But what good is knowledge without a purpose?
What good is a teacher who lacks the ability to pass their knowledge on to another generation?
What good is knowledge that goes unheeded?
Does it make any sense to suffer from a Cassandra Complex?
Pedantic, sumpsimus, pretentious, loquacious, bombastic, ostentatious, abstruse, pompous or grandiloquent - who benefits by these?
Is there any good from knowledge if no one understands?
Nope unless you want to be the old guy on the hill and hope someone comes to seek your knowledge.
When I was in Law School my professor used to stress to us the ability to convince a jury. He would scream at us to talk to the level of your audience. He said you can be right but if no one understands and the other guy is more charming you'll lose.
I agree with FreeMan. The difference between knowledge and trivia is usefulness. It is better to understand and be understood.
Yeah... I think that's why so little gets accomplished. Most people are only concerned with appearing to be smarter than the next guy without focusing on the problems at hand.
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