Friday, February 11, 2011

It's Just A Movie

 A Black Norse god - who would believe that?
Everyone knows that Norse gods are white.
 It would be like Brad Pitt playing African thunder god Shango (Chango).
 Or like seeing Tom Cruise playing African general Piye.
Next thing you know, they'll have a white guy playing...
Oh, never mind.


Anonymous said...


RunningMom said...


I love that the color lines of characters are being changed up. I'm all for it!

DF said...

They already have Elizabeth Taylor playing Cleopatra and Charlton Heston as Moses. Isn't it funny that when you are recreating white history you have to stay true but when they recreate anyone else's history the only thing that is true is the names used.

Double standards are only used by the powerful. Everyone has to swallow shit and act like they like it in front of the majority.

Anonymous said...

Well...if you think about it ALL gods should be black. If their stories are that they are far older than human beings and humans were made after their own image, coupled with the fact that all humans migrated out of Africa, why not. :)