Monday, February 14, 2011

Conspiracy Theory #1

If seeds and farming processes can become 'Intelectual Property" - could genetically altered bees be patented as well?
I'm not big on conspiracy theories but I just don't trust anything that is Too Big to Fail.
What has been killing droves of bees in recent years?
Pesticides, weather, a combination virus and fungus?

Maybe the bees themselves have become flawed.
If many bees are rejecting genectially altered crops - maybe chemical companies have sought to build a more compatible bee.
Without bees, we have few crops.
Without crops, we have no food.
Without food, we have a never ending war.


Anonymous said...

Oy UBJ, that's like such a true an scary thing that you just wrote!

It's entirely probable that the big corporations are engineering it so we can only get their genetically altered, prepared, prepackaged foods.
Pretty soon they'll have us eating pellets with "all the necessary vitamins and minerals already added"! Yeah right!

CNu said...

it can always be worse....,

John Kurman said...

I've always maintained that will be advertised as a positive aspect:

"Soylent Green. Now with more people!"

Anonymous said...

Remember Jacob Krautzfeld disease!!!!!!

DF said...

Awww man we'll find a way to pollinate without the damn bees. Look at how they do dates for commercial needs. They spread the pollen by hand with two guys.

So the bees will only be in the area that man hasn't gotten around to messing up. Then without the food they'll be less people to mess things up and the bees will boom again.

brohammas said...

U just watch Food Inc. or sumthin?

uglyblackjohn said...

@ brohammas - nah... it's just that too many people are too used to a man-made quick fix solving problems when these solutions seem to do more long-term harm than good.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Dr. Who plot.