Sunday, January 18, 2009

FreeMan Press As Punishment

One of my young cousins came home with all F's on his progress report.
He also came home with no books.
As "punishment", I had him teach me something from the Internet.

Usually, he reads CNULAN's spot. (I think the photos got him interested and the content tested his intelligence.)
So Subrealism wasn't a choice this night.

Instead we read FreeMan Press.
Since the most recent post was about Martin Luther King Jr., I thought the timing was right.

We looked up quotes from books that were attributed to MLK dealing with Vietnam.
We discussed whether MLK's speaking out on the Vietnam war was a mistake.
We spoke about Barack Obama being castigated for his reticence concerning the recent Israel/Gaza conflict.

"For those who ask the question, 'Aren't you a Civil Rights leader?' - and thereby mean to exclude me from the movement for peace - I answer by saying that I have worked too long and hard now against segregated public accommodations to end up segregating my moral concern.
Justice is indivisible.
It must also be said that it would be rather absurd to work passionately and unrelentingly for integrated schools and not be concerned about the survival of a world in which to be integrated"
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., speaking out against the Vietnam war in The Trumpet of Conscience

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