From the smallest germs and bacteria to the largest solar systems and galaxies (and some would say universes) - the segregation of matter takes place (sometimes) without each entity having any idea that the action is occurring.
Fish have schools,
Birds have flocks (or gaggles of geese, when not in flight),
Lions have prides,
Many animals have herds,
Predatory animals have packs (but so do predatory humans, as in; a pack of thieves).
Plants are indigenous to certain areas.
Even when transplanted - they thrive in some areas but struggle in others.
As with most beings, their segregation tends toward survival.
The gasses and solids of the universe cluster to form planets, moons, asteroids and stars.
These cluster to form solar systems, galaxies, etc. .
Humans segregate into families, tribes and nations.
Even more segregation takes place when we segregate by;
religion (and denominations), economic status , social status and race.
Of these, only race (or one's perceived race) is the only trait one has no control over.
But even with "Race' - they're are divisions based upon color, weight and appearance.
It seems that we are always inventing a new type of Caste System whenever someone makes the leap from from one group to the next (or is able to Code-Switch at will).
Even on the Internet, we segregate into cliques who share the same views or interests as ourselves.
But if we're not teaching or learning, what's the good in that?
I never intended to blog about race (or the problems between races).
But since moving to the South - it's been something that I've been inundated with on a daily basis.
Maybe it's the residual resentment from the recent (and in some cases... current) scars of Segregation.
But what got me thinking about one's desire to segregate was a recent conversation with a dope-boy in the 'hood.
"You don't belong hurr (here)" was his remark, upon seeing me talking to some acquaintances on the block.
"Nobody does", I replied.
"I do! I'm from hurr!", he replied.
"Maybe YOU do", I said.
At this time, one of the kings of the block stepped in to give me a pound (Obama-type fist pound - not a pound of any illegal substance).
That signaled an end to any discord.
If I was cool with him, I was cool with all.
"Big Blue" (an almost reformed felon) asked why I keep trying with some people.
Sometimes I ask myself the same question.
But maybe some of these people just need a guide to help them out of their chosen lifestyles.
At least the kids would be better served by better examples of what it takes to get ahead in life.
I'm no saint. I may even be reprobate.
But I don't want anyone to go where I deserve to be.
The thing is; one's limitations are usually self-imposed.
External conditions have less of an impact on any given outcome than do our choices and our preparation.
Earlier, I postulated that being mixed-race may offer a better opportunity to see the world as more than the world's definition of what is expected of each of us.
But this theory was quickly proven to be ignorant- just by looking at my own siblings.
They're (roughly) the same racial background as me, but with different outcomes.
Maybe it was money or access to resources.
Nah.... there are too many people who waste their families resources trying to emulate a lifestyle that most would hope to avoid.
Maybe it was the parents.
Maybe..., but I had the same upbringing as my brothers.
Or family dynamics (or birth order).
Maybe..., I was given more responsibility than my brothers.
Maybe..., it could be genetic.
Maybe even racial differences cause many to react to the same situation in different ways.
But then are those who break these norms to be considered as anomalous?
Do they have some sort of ailment that causes them to act in a way that is different from their pre-supposed way of acting (or being)?
Is their being different contrary to a natural desire or need to fit in with the herd?
Does their being different offer less safety and less of a chance to reproduce?
Segregating by race may cause us to have lower standards.
Being the best White, Black, Asian or Hispanic person doesn't necessarily make us the best person for any given task, job or position.
All great cultures thrived by learning from the best of the other cultures and assimilating those traits (or knowledge or skill) into their own.
If America issued a formal apology - would we accept it?
Would we forgive them and then have everything be alright?
Why do many of us need someone else to say "it's alright" for us to do well?
So to the people stuck on a "Race-Only" criteria.
WE have bigger things to do.
we are all as human social insects
That is real talk, right thurr (there).
Birds of a feather may stick togother, but i have never seen grey pigeons seperate from the brown ones.
Communication is so limited and labor intensive that we can't get to it all. We forget that no issue or person is all one thing.
I'm a good guy in some areas and a terrible one in others... so what am I? Am I my religion, gender, race, age, economic standing, or just a collection of hobbies? I know that I am ALL those things, so why do I forget that someone else might be a collection of things as well, and not just the one thing I can see?
Thank you for pointing out the short sighted nature of us all... so how do we fix it?
John! U trippin. I'll get back to u later!
Even twins born to the same parents in the same house at the same time can turn into vastly different human beings. We're just not all going to be, think and act alike.
What we need to do is stop looking at that like it's a problem and enjoy each others differences.
If I had to hear the same song on the radio everyday, I would be pissed. If I had to eat the same meal everyday, I would be pissed.
Why the hell would I only want to see and speak to people who are just like me? I wouldn't.
This whole race-issue is a bunch of B.S. It's like people just need a reason to hate and fight. Stop already it's old, so old.
@ Raw Dawg - But we have the capacity to be more.
@ Mr. Noface - Sometimes I feel like Dap talking to Sam Jackson's crew at KFC in School Daze.
There has to be a way that we (not just those on the Internet) can do better.
I came from the worst, I'm trying to figure out how to help others out of a similar situation.
@ brohammas - "...how do we fix it?"
I was hoping that some of you all knew.
I'm stuck.
I retired about 11 years ago and decided to try to make this a better town.
I had no idea the scars of Segregation where so fresh.
I'm pretty much average but I did (do) well in a lot of things.
If a relative scrub like myself could flourish... anyone could.
That's why I now think the reasons are mostly mental.
And since it's mostly mental - they can be changed.
@ GDAWG - Unfortunately, you have no idea how correct you are.
I mentor some families.
When they do poorly - "It's because I'm Black' is usually the first thing said.
When I point out that they failed to get promotion because of their inability to acquire a more professional demeanor, I'm told that I don't understand the South.
Maybe they're right.
@ RunningMom - Yep.
I think a lot of it has to do with fear, whether we admit it or not. Or an unfamiliarity with other groups.
As an example;I know a bunch of cops.
The ones who grew up in homogenous areas tend to react more quickly to a situation that is perceived as hostile.
The ones who were exposed to differents groups tend to be able to solve problems without over reacting.
Their level of fear is reduced by knowing what's up. Their views are based on more than the images on television.
The same could be said of many Blacks who are new to mostly white areas. Their insecurity could cause them to over-react to a situation.
You pretty much got to the point with this statement:
Being the best White, Black, Asian or Hispanic person doesn't necessarily make us the best person for any given task, job or position.
Yes, there are flavors of humans and humans cluster together, that's mother nature.
But is it also mother nature for species to communicate and trust one another and realize the different between hostile and non-hostile.
What has happened is lack of communication between groups on purpose was designed to create hostility and divisiveness among groups.
Even if animals clusters, humans are supposed to be more intelligent, more enlightened to not reduced themselves to primitive animal behaviors.
Okay John lets get started on the importance of apologies.
John, why do you think the American government issued formal binding apologies to these groups of people:
1. Native Alaskans
2. Native Hawaiians
3. Japanese Americans
4. Indigenous Americans (Indians)
" Two apologies and compensations resulted from World War II: Germany to Israel and Jews and the US to surviving Japanese-Americans."
John, why was it so important for Germany to compensate/pay Israel and the Jews, post WWII?
@ ed - Yep.
But I may be in favor of certain segregation.
Like... I don't want the projects built next to the neighborhood in which I now live.
Elitism? Maybe.
But I moved out of the hood, I don't the hood moving back with me.
Maybe one day, it'll be a segregation based on good and evil - and that's it.
Ultimately, that's the only form of segregation that I'm fully in favor of.
@ GDAWG - Well..
Those groups are relatively small.
Any apology did little for those group's current social standing. They're still treated the same bt those who issued the apology.
Any apology concerning slavery would have the same impact.
We wouldn't live in an instant Utopia.
The financial cost of any suit resulting from the apology would be one that the country couldn't afford. Or even quantify.
That's why it'll never happen.
Should it happen? Probably.
Will it? Nope.
If many of us are waiting for an apology before doing the work that needs to be done - we're screwed.
Race will never fall off the front page until things are really fought for to be fair. Right now people want this issue to go away but well wishes just make people say it's not me. GDawg said it best bringing up the apology and I really think that's the heart of the racial issue. The apology will mean more because it's finally been said. It will show that the government made a mistake and is ashamed. Until that comes it makes people keep doubt in their mind that their actions or words are truthful.
I think most can agree that the reparations probably is impossible but at least say you made a mistake. If someone doesn't show remorse for their actions any normal human will think they meant it and as a result will never trust that person again! This is why even the criminal has to show up and say he is truly sorry. Shit even the jury wants an apology.
John you really need to do some honest research and the ongoing benefits reaped by the groups noted. They get annual payments have had land set side for them have corporations set up in their behalf. Hell even the (Sarah) Palins get annual reparation payments because Todd is native Alaskan. Ah, I mean part native. I mean it goes on... To me you are being selectively blinded by the reality of the importance of "binding apologies", so much so as to disparage and minimize the importance to the experience of Black American descendants of enslaved Africans. It just ain't right! I'm not calling your explanation cowardly, but you are either a white person mascarating as a Black or...........
What the Us Congress Apology for slavery meant: Apologizing because we feel guilty is good but a change must accompany that apology.
Many people apologize over and over again for the same trespass, whether against God or their
neighbor or loved one. The apologies that have no changes involved are apologies of convenience; they
are made for purely selfish reasons and not for true forgiveness." H/T De Laurentis
NOW FOR ME THIS IS THE TRUE ESSENCE OF AN APOLOGY AS PER DE LAURENTIS:" We can see that not only is apologizing a sombre and serious issue to be considered but so is forgiveness.
The two run hand in hand. When you forgive someone you are agreeing with them that they will make
changes in their life to fulfil the promise they are making in apologizing. This is why our Lord sees it as so
important. Our repentance has many consequences which are weighed up by our integrity and honesty
when making the promise of an apology..."
@ FreeMan - "Shit, even the jury want an apology."
Ummm... good point.
Maybe I'll try to refine my current opinion.
- "...either a white person masquerading as Black or... "
Yeah... I get that a lot.
- Oh, I know the government apologies lead to some opotunity. My mom is half Mexican/ half Native (Modoc and Klamath tribes of Oregon)
We get tribal insurance coverage that can be used at most federally recognized reservations and lands.
We get a small share of the profits from our tribal casino.
But the tribe is still involved in litigation for our tribal waterways.
And, the people are still treated as second-class citzens in their own land.
The ability to move beyond the apology and restoration of ones rights is more important.
- I agree with the second paragraph 100%.
- And the third.
- What I'm saying is that with or without any apology, we need to make progress.
- The apology will never come because the cost will be too great.
Obama can't make it, he'll be seen as pandering to liberals and Blacks.
Number 45 can't make one because it might open doors for litigation.
Native Alaskans and US Natives only amount to about 2 million members. The financial cost is pretty high to make things right for these people.
Hawaians (at about 430,000) represent an even smaller group.
Those Japanese interned during WWII is an relatively miniscule number.
The financial cost of making any monetary compensation to more than 41 million Blacks (plus interest) would bankrupt the country for decades.
Many whites feel bad for the history of subjugation that many Blacks have endured. This is one of the main reasons Obama won.
But going into further debt is another issue.
Few are willing to put their money where their heart or mouth is.
I just don't see the point of waiting for a National apology that may never come.
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