I have nothing against making profits.
My problem is with doctors who practice medicine only as a means to make profits.
When Jeff Gordon says that Bosch makes the best spark plugs, I know that his sponsors are paying him to say so.
When a doctor says that Paxil will make me feel better - I have to wonder...
We are running a non-profit site only for the sake of information sharing.
Recently we came across the "Other People's Blogs About Politics, Race, Social Change" section in your site. Since our site is also based on regular news updates, we believe it would surely help us to be more effective if we get your site’s link. We have placed your site’s link in our site and we request you to place us in the "Other People's Blogs About Politics, Race, Social Change" section.
URL: http://news-updations.blogspot.com/
Title: Current news updates
Email ID: megaanaustin@gmail.com
We would be pleased with your positive response.
Looking forward for your reply...
Thank You!!
Megaan Austin
Awesome Post UBJ
Yep, I agree, this was short and sweat.
But, was that first comment a drive-by spam? Gosh, talk about secret motives.
I thought they were going to say you've won the sweep stakes but you needed to send them a clearence fee.
Yet, truthfully, there's always a motive behind everything we do. But the problem lies in our own mind. We don't always know why (or seek to find) the reasons behind our actions. Sometimes we rationalize our errs, because to do otherwise, makes us uncomfortable.
you've got to find a way of preventing the spam chinese comments. I always get so excited to see a high number of comments and look forward to seeing people's reactions to your posts and then I am disappointed.
I'm surprised that the health providers don't catch on to this idea of sponsorship to aid in improving their bottom lines.
@ doll - Yeah that spam is annoying.
I thought that adding the coed word feature would cut down on it but it hasn't.
I hate having to to type those things so I didn't want to have the feature here.
I guess I may have offended some lonely Asian guy who has the time to type all those codes.
maybe this new spam filter that google is advertising on the dashboard will work.
Good point of yours though that some guy has to manually add the code for each comment.
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