Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stability - Not Growth

When adding a second floor to any existing structure, one should always be sure that the original floor is solid enough to support any additional weight that the new floor will generate.
If this step is not done, both floors collapse.

I still don't see the use of throwing trillions of dollars at an economy that has a foundation built on the people at the top.
Wouldn't it make sense to secure the foundation and ground floor before worrying about any future growth?
Isn't stability something to be sought before growth?

Our current banking system is just unstable.
Our futures shouldn't depend on whether one or two percent of the population can benefit from their past greed.
While creating new banks from the ground up is a time consuming process - letting smaller profitable banks step in where the Big Boys failed would seem to make the most sense.

So as Obama spins these programs into a nice sounding package - I just have to shake my head in disbelief.
The banks aren't broken - the system of building the top floor first is.

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