These are towns that have an expressed resistance to the integration of their municipality.
I live in a town which has one of these towns the next town over.
CNN, Jesse and the NAACP have all protested this town's policies.
But the town is a dump.
The town has more mobile homes that homes with foundations.
This town is proudly Christian and racist.
If asked, any resident is quick to let you know that only whites are welcomed there.
If I told you that you couldn't eat this delicious piece of ish - would you then desire it?
Would you march and protest for your right to eat my ish?
No - because it is a piece of ish.
Most of these towns are just run down pieces of ish.
Why do so many get worked up over what they don't even want anyway?
Christian and racist?!? Is that really and truly possible?!?
I think it was Gandhi who said "I like your Christ, but not your Christians; because they're not very Christ-like."
This made me think about the white guys who started their own basketball league. I think some thought it was racist and I personally said who cares. It's not like we're running to play basketball with them because we think they are skillful!
@ FreeMan - I read Ojo's post about that league and it made me think about this.
Why is the NBA full of Europeans?
Because they wanted more whites in the league and American whites were not as able to compete.
The owners searched the world over to import more whiteness into the league but it remains a mostly Black sport.
But yeah... those guys who formed that league are probably pretty shitty themselves.
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