I hate that the Trojans had to share a title with the Tide back in '78 even after USC beat Alabama in the regular season.
I also hate Nick Saban.
I hate that LSU played Oklahoma for the title back in 2003 even though USC was ranked number one in both major human polls.
I even called last years Utah win against Alabama out of spite for the Country 'Bama Boys.
Needless to say - I hate Alabama.
But I hate Texas even more.
After a week in which two former USC quarterbacks (Mark Sanchez (Jets) v. Carson Palmer Bengals)) battled in the NFL for positions in the post season - nothing could end my week better than a Longhorns loss.
For one day (and one day only), I am a Nick Saban/Alabama fan.
I'll only say this once in my lifetime, "Rolllll Tide!".
Like I said in the Barbershop Saban is the best money spent since Phil Jackson. That guys system works everywhere except Miami.
I can believe you actually wrote this blog.
I'm generally known by two names online, Reggie and BamaReggie. The reason why........I'm from Alabama. I am a graduate of Alabama State University but I am a passionate Alabama Crimson Tide fan. In the state of Alabama there are many colleges and universities; but 95% of the people are fans of either Alabama or that idiotic special education manure school on the other side of the state....Auburn. I've got family members that went to Auburn that I refuse to speak to during Thanksgiving.......besides, they smell.
My children are students at the University of South Carolina; and while I'll purchase school sweatshirts and tee-shirts and slippers for them, I only wear red and white ROLL TIDE!!! ROLL TIDE!!! ROLL TIDE!!! I rout for two teams on Saturdays, Alabama and whoever is playing Auburn!!!
Do you know why Tim Tebow was crying on the sidelines at the end of the SEC championship game? Because he realized that GOD loves Alabama more!! ROLL TIDE!!!
Hey! fantastic topic, but will this really work?
well, I agree with the information because I think that the NFL is the best in USA.
When I lived in Alabama I enjoyed to go to stadium and go to some great places.
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