Well... yes.
Rap has become so common that it's become impotent.
Today's rap rarely inspires - instead most of it has become tired and banal.
Much of it has lost it's artistry and has become another consumer product sold in bulk through WalMart.

There was once a time when only those on the cutting edge of style would dare to put brown and blue in any serious design setting.
But this combination has become so pervasive that it's lost it's appeal.
A sign that a trend is over is when that trend can be spotted at Target, J.C. Penny and WalMart.

Rap was suppose to evolve and it did but I don't like it's current form. It's too mainstream and too "Hood" at the same time. The two cant co-exist. Laws of Physics.
It's odd that the laws of physics too often aply to the laws of nature.
Well it'll change again as it returns to it's roots and most of the rappers realize they don't need the mainstream machine. Ringtones and the Istore have changed the dynamics and the record execs won't have the say to determine what is profitable rap.
Look in the coming years for it to return to a neighborhood sound like how we grew up listening to it.
Any time a genre "Crosses over" or becomes mainstream... becomes pop, it ceases to be a form of expression and is simply a manufactured product.
Punk went pop, rap went pop, country went pop... and all suck afterwards.
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