And why the need for all these medications?

I was ADHD and Bipolar - but my parents were pretty quick with a belt.
Cleared that ish right up.
The thing is - I just had to have my mind on many things in order to focus on any one thing.
I just needed a lot of stimulation in order to function.
Is such a condition really an ailment?
Or can the same condition be used to ones benefit?
Shouldn't kids be involved in as many things as they can handle?
Is the use of Ritalin preventing today's children from being all that they can be?
I told my sister thank GOD we weren't born when they were handing out those pills. I couldn't sit down and like you I thought of all kinds of stuff and rarely focused on one thing. I was well behaved but I was beyond curious and would get in trouble for looking up girls dresses and climbing gates. I broke pencil leads into door locks.
So they would've drugged me. C'mon UBJ you know they drug people to slow them down so the episode can pass. Nyquil doesn't cure ish but make you sleepy and drugged so your body can be in a rested state. Since they haven't figured out a way to do this with kids they just dope them up.
We are going to have a epidemic of drug addicts in the future who are already wired to drug their natural impulses instead of controlling them naturally. You'll have to ask a kid on Ritalin what they are thinking about because I have a feeling that drug is clearing their mind too. No one wants to solve anything anymore they just want to drug their own damn kids!
"Going to have"?
We already have a self-medicated drug culture.
Am I mad at Barry Bonds/Sammy Sosa/Mark McGuire for taking performance enhancing drugs?
Not at all - we live in a culture which seems dependant.
I've read that boys with ADHD are hunters in a farmer's world. Given the way schooling is structured, I'd agree with that.
As for bipolar, it's over-diagnosed for the most part. Many of the BP's I've seen are bullies or need a good kick in the ass, and they get that shit under control the second someone with power comes around, i.e. the police or a bigger man. This describes my own son, and a bunch of youths out of there.
Then there are true crazies. That's the aunt you hide in the attic or the uncle who lives in the street and sleeps in the woods. They couldn't act sane if they're lives depended on it.
The commonality of three is that they work against their own best interests on a routine basis and cannot be reasoned with due to gross impulsivity and lack of common sense.
In the mild to mild-moderate cases, kick ass lessons from life help if they make it past 25. That's when you see a lot of these hellraisers settle down. I say age 25 because a bunch of them die from accidents, murder, drug overdoses, and suicide.
One out of four people diagnosed with bipolar illness die from suicide. Medication for them is important, but quite a few won't take it and you can't make them. A lot of them self-medicate, particularly with alcohol but with other drugs too. You see this in the celebrities all the time.
I wouldn't wish either on anyone, or their loved ones.
@ KIT - I have a brother who is taking far too many medications.
The last time he came to stay with me - I had him change his diet, change his workout program (We worked more on flexibility, endurance and balance.) and lower his medications.
In three months he had his issues under control.
But when he went back to his old crew he was back in trouble again.
IMOHO - There are more ways to solve problems than medications alone.
Yeah 'cause back in the day they just whipped our asses and kept it moving.
Today everyone needs a pill for any to every reason in the world, it's all bullshit!!!
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