I agree with that.
But the country was pretty effed up when Obama was elected.
In fact, things were so effed up that many people chose to elect a Black guy in a political "Hail Mary" with the hope that the underdog could pull one out at the last minute..
Most people who voted for Obama did so with the hope that an outsider could just press "Refresh" on our political, economic and social landscapes.
Most people assumed that Obama didn't have enough invested in this system to blindly follow it's previous policies.
Most people wanted a sacrificial lamb to redeem our society - not a Judas who is more concerned with his thirty pieces of silver.
Welp BroBama is keeping everyone's hopes up High. I guess all the public needed was to let off a little steam and elect another regime.
Could it be people are more willing to deal with bad times when they have a optimistic leader? I think all of us knew the housing issue was getting out of control and we know Bush messed things up. I don't think we expect as much from BroBama as people think.
The savior this time doesn't have to save us but just keep things together. In about 7 years we'll go back to messing the world up all over again I bet.
"The savior this time doesn't have to save us but just keep things together. In about 7 years we'll go back to messing the world up all over again I bet."
And that is the crux of the whole matter. If we (as the American people) really want to change the whole paradigm of American Politics there would have been a revolution a long time ago (those tea baggers don't count). No, we just want sturdier crutches to prop up an already crumbling socio-economic and political structure, for a little while longer.
No president will ever come along to press refresh on the whole system, because despite how fed up we are with it, we as Americans are just as invested in it as are the politicians that we elect (who in turn screw us over because that is in their job description)
Why does it always seem that the people who actually win the presidency come out of nowhere. I mean before the 2004 democratic convention most of us never even heard of Barack Obama. Bush came out of nowhere also. Other than being the son of the 41st president of the U.S he had poor credentials to run for president. If you remember he was involved in the savings and loan scandals. So, what i'm saying is although the American public votes for the president it is the corporate/media establishments who place their man in the running.
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