Do these women even want Reggie?
If so - are they even on a level where Reggie would pay any attention to them?
Are these women suffering from a Don Quixote malady where they are fighting imaginary windmills?

Thinking that L.L. should have dropped his high school sweetheart for a younger Hollywood starlet years ago.
Maybe the cover should have featured L.L. instead.
But I guess people are tired of seeing Denzel on magazine covers.
But a magazine cover featuring a Black man who happens to be dating a fine-ass Persian woman offending so many bitter women isn't news.

Maybe these women should read the article to find out what Kim is doing right.
Are these women overweight and ugly?
Are these women educated but dull?
Are these women only adequate looking but ghetto?
Kim is baad.
I'd hit that.
Her job as a reality star is far more interesting and financially rewarding than that of your average woman.
Her body is far better than the average woman.
Her face is much prettier than the average woman.
Are these women just hating because they are not her?
Both women possess the ideal body type.
And both of these women are interchangeable with Beyonce - the only visual difference being melanin (barely).
The last I heard - a woman who looks like Halle Berry never had problems getting Black (or any other) man.

If life experience and "talent" are the determining factors - Bey would have an advantage.
But most guys don't even notice these factors at first glance.
CoCo is too blonde.
And Bey is too light-skinned.
Maybe these haters look live these big heffa's droppin' that slop like it's hot for a few singles.
Maybe these women are of the "Value Pack" mentality where one feels that more is always better (even if that means more belly rolls).
Maybe these women need to worry about getting a man that they could actually get instead of being so concerned with someone they'll never even meet.

And none of these women (Kim, CoCo, Bey or Halle) are worried about who another woman is doing - regardless of race.
It's a Black Magazine so they want the Black guy to be with a Black Woman. They are mad at Reggie but it would have been the same with Tiger. I think Essence since it's no longer Black owned knew this would ruffle some feathers and get more issues out in a fledgling magazine market.
Overall I agree with you because a fine put together educated and in shape woman is good in all corners of the world. Yes, Kardashian combines all 3 but she works at it.
Most women like most men do not want to do what it takes to attract people. One shouldn't be mad they should up their game and be the best they can be.
It was because it's on a Black Magazine that everyone is mad.
I live a small Sother teaxas town where all the Black women are fat or married.
Many women from both groups still chase me as though I'd be interested.
I don't work, read, run, lift and get involved in this community for some country hoodrat.
Even many of the "socially elite" are just so because so many others haven't been anywhere or done anything.
I have to go to Houston to meet anyone worthwhile.
(And sometimes that woman will be a bad-ass Latina).
It's not about Reggie and Kim K., it's about Essence. Black women I know have no problem with Reggie and Kim. Many, however, have a problem with Essence which says it puts "Black women first" covering its mag with a man who doesn't.
It's like putting a hunter on the cover of a vegan magazine. People have a right to hunt but why showcase them on a vegan mag?
@ Val - Do any of these women even want Reggie?
Maybe Kim can teach them how it's done.
Maybe this is a Public Service Announcement for many Black women to offer more than a fat ass and a degree.
A fat ass and a degree? Wow, what kind of women are you meeting. Lol
It is strange isn't it that magazines for men have covers with the most attractive men on them and magazines for women have the top women on the cover. I can't think of the last time I saw such an attractive cover ....really the magazine owners should start thinking about giving heterosexuals something very tasty to look at when they are doing their purchasing.
I personally don't give a damn. I' secure with myself. I can't get black men with ease so it's like whatever to me. I could careless
@ Val - Women who thought an education would make them interesting. (Which is my top requirement)
@ doll - Yeah.. you're right.
My design magazines have women on the covers but my ESPN magazine usually has men on the covers.
Muscle and Fitness always has men on the covers but I don't lift to impress guys. Maybe they should put more women on the covers for motivation.
@ Raina - Me too.
I'm reaaly NOT ugly - but no straight guy wants to be called a "Pretty Boy".
I get a lot of women so I don't care if Paula Patton or Halle are dating white dudes.
I have my own problems with the women I already know.
I meant to say I CAN get black dudes with ease. Seriously though some women need to "woman up" and get some self-respect. It's like Katt Williams said "It's called Self-Esteem It's the Esteem of your MF self!" I never cared that a black man dated a non-black woman and still don't. That has nothing to do with me. Some women are just hypocritical and pathetic. Yes I said pathetic I'm not going to baby someone whose biggest problem is getting a man when there are other things to be concerned about. Sorry for the rant lol
Raina, you are my kind of girl. I couldn't believe that there was an ruckus behind this cover. I thought it was nice and yes Reggie is an attractive man. He doesnt seem to be with Kim just because she is other. It just happened that way and in all seriousness - SHE IS HOT, if I was a dude or the kind of woman that was into women (which I am not but to each her own)... I love black men and for the most part they seem to be smitten with me too. I wrote about this a while back in my blog but I am considering being open to a man that is other (white) they seem to be somewhat smitten with me at the moment as well. I havent really been open to it before but shit why now.
Some women just always have to have something to say when it is not necessary. Who is to say that he doesnt put black women first. his mother is a black woman and he takes care of her very will. Folks are always way to wuick to speak. I wish that they would learn that EVERYTHING doesnt have to be SOMETHING. let's put some energy towards some real issues. gee...
ps. I apoligize for the ramble and soapbox.
@Freckles: Totally agree and thanks. :)
I always put black women first and I always will, unless Kim Kardashian is bending over. If she is, I'm gonna stop and check that out. That Armenian sister has an ass with centaur-like proportions and I'm sure as hell not mad at her or Reggie Bush!!!
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