I read that they have four seasons - I think I'm just catching the reruns of season one.
If CSI dominates the ratings - this show should have been on American television sooner.
While CSI has The Who singing "Baba O'Reily", "Who Are You" and "Won't Get Fooled Again" - ReGenesis has better science.
CSI has people believing that their local crime lab has Grisham and his resources and funds that will enable them to solve any crime.
(How to beat a DNA test for blood spatter:
1 Clean the area with Bleach.
2 Spray blood from a steak, chicken or from a used tampon taken from one of those little trashcans in the ladies room throughout the area.
3 Clean area with bleach again.
Most crime labs are overworked and underfunded so they will likely find only the more prevalent staged blood. (So I've heard.))
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
UBJ LOL man your new stuff is just as interesting as the old stuff. LMBAO
Man you have a lot of trivial knowledge it might be time to go to Jeopardy or something.
John I'm seriously concerned about your "Tips for the newbie serial killer" or maybe I should call them "Serial killing 101". You're just helping out the next Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dalhmer. Do you want to be responsible for some crazy bastard frying up half the taints in Bumfuck Kentucky?!?
I've never heard of this show either; but then again, I don't watch a lot of network television.
The next thing you know you'll be selling your semen to rapists so that they can plant it at crime scenes too.
Bad John!!!
Bad John!!!
My posts (and grammar) are influenced by whomever I deal with on any given day.
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