But who are "Those people"?
Many people wish to move away from, leave behind, or just ignore certain members of our society.
But what good will come of that?
Let's use Dennis Rodman as an example.
The guy was a bit strange - but he added value to any team.
Did Pippen worry about Dennis?
Did Jordan?
Hell naw...
When Dennis got out of line, the stars corrected him.
The stars helped him and he did the dirty work that helped the stars remain stars.
Sure, opposing players hated Rodman - but who cares what they think?
Who fears Rodman?
Not the stars, only those in opposition.
(Okay, maybe some bench players hated him too.)
Well a lot of people are not comfortable with themselves so the antics of others that are in association with them embarrass them. This is a good example of just focus because he's a important part of the team even though no one would want to hang out with him afterwards.
No one got into Karl Malone's head like Rodman.
If you are using him as your example in greater racial issues you need to remember that Rodman actually helped win games. He did his job, he was just a clown. Sorta like Soulja Boy. He is a foolio but you can dance with him... no harm no foul. Let the haters hate.
Then you have Omarosa, also a clown, but one who hurts the team all around. Remember that in matters of race we are mostly in a war of hearts and minds and she turned both of those things against her.
Brohammas is right. Rodman played is position well. All the clownish stuff he did was just a way for him to garner more fame for himself. There was a time when he was just Dennis Rodman the basketball player (without the colored hair, lipstick, and tattoos) who was just another cog in the machine.
But without Jordan there to regulate - Rodman could have ruined the team.
IMO - There are too many situations where the Jordans leave for a life of ease instead of staying with the same team to form a solid nucleus around which a championship team could be built.
I see what your saying. The black community appears to be hemorrhaging it's talented tenth. Black Flight if you will.
I still think that Rodman was capable in his position and when brought under control, was a huge asset to his team. Some black folk on the other hand are not only acting out, they don't even seem to be playing the same game as the rest of us. Never mind not being on the same team, some of us aren't even playing the same sport. What does a Jordan do with a Michael Vick, a Barry Bonds, or a Tiger Woods?
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