Sure, many cultures seem to gain the material goods of those who would subjugate them and exploit their resources - but which group benefits the most?
Studies show that rich countries giving aid to poor countries see a net gain in resources.
There is actually a transference of wealth from the poor to the rich.
Cultures based in the American ghetto, Tribal lands, or even Appalachia show the same negative transfer of wealth.
Should the ghetto really be exploited for her talent, innovation and creativity - or would these resources be better used within each community?
Should the ghetto really be exploited for her talent, innovation and creativity - or would these resources be better used within each community?
Well if it's treated as teaching people how to fish but then it's creating a fishery and then reselling the fish to the same indigenious people then what is the gain. To give devilishly is what is happening here so it's a trade off where the poor are taken to a even lower level. It's better when they could at least take care of themselves instead of making the slaves to what they already had for free.
It it was given to teach them to run more efficient then it would be a heaven send.
I think many Blacks have forgotten what is is to be Black.
Most have given up any sense of community and instead have opted for the failed economic model we are suffering through today.
What ever happened to getting whooped by a neighbor for stealing... and then getting whooped again once you got home for having to get whooped by a neighbor?
It's as though everyone has bought into the "Every Man For Himself" philosophy and forgot that it took a village.
Many of us have forgotten our tribal ways and have exchanged them for the American Way.
But who (regarless of race) has this form of thinking helped?
You've got me thinking now........
How come brown bare breasts equal nature and white bare breasts equal pornography?!?
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