"So what?", one might say.
But I'm from the I.E. (Inland Empire) region of Southern California.
Taco Bell was founded after Mr. Bell saw the success of the first Mac Donald's (also in San Bernardino, California).
Most people have sampled his poor quality interpretation of Mexican food.
Most people assume that Taco Bell is how Mexican fast food should taste.
But Cali. also has Del Taco.
Del Taco is good Mexican fast food.
But the old Naugles (founded in my hometown of Riverside, California) was better.
Naugles was folded into Del Taco in the '90's - but that was some good eatin'.
West Coast Mexican fast food chain - Del Taco
The rest of the country - Taco Bell
West Coast burger stand - In-n-Out
Back East - White Castle
Southwest - Whataburger
I wish I had some Naugles and In-n-Out right now.
Naugles was pretty good and the only thing they have left is a Del Burger which is a Naugles burger. My brother used to work there in High School and he would bring me back food everynight. It was better. In-N-Out isn't better than the neighborhood burger places but for out of towners In-N-Out is great. That being said you are a out of towner now so see you at In-N-Out.
Also What-A-Burger was the worst burger I ever had. I was in Houston and thought this is going to be a great burger and then it was like butt awful. Then the people there had the nerve to apologize to me for being so slow.
You should try Krystal Double Black Angus as I think they make the best burgers on that side.
Our Krystal (here in Beaumont) closed last year.
While in Cali. - I'll go for a Fatburger or Tommy's but In-n-Out is everywhere and better than what we have here.
Waitaburger is always slow.
Del Taco doesn't have their "Macho combo burrito"?
That was from Naugles and quite tasty.
By the way the Macho Combo Burrito is back! I think they brought it back about a month ago. I don't know if it's the same as Naugles but I think it is. I'll dry ice one to you tomorrow! LOL
My hometown (the titty - wichititty) is where those little nasty fartbomb sliders came from..,
As you will see, however, there are levels of narstiness which exceed even White Castle and about which the titty is unselfconsciously boastful.
@ FreeMan - I'm on a quest to find consistantly good Mexican food here in this small town.
If I find another place that serves Velveta, groud (meat?), and plain beans in a burito I'm moving back to Cali..
I can't even find a hole-in-the-wall that doesn't serve Tex-Mex.
@ SeeNew - Damn...
Mickey D's isn't delicious - but the guy brags about White Castle?
But thanks for the link - interesting that some tourists think White Castle is the bee's knees.
My brother in Houston had to try like 25 places before he finally found one. When I was out there it tasted just like LA. If you want I'll email you the location so you can get some good West Coast Mexican food.
I don't know who made Tex Mex but they would get ran out of town if my So-Cal Chicanos headed to Texas.
Can the MidWest get some love on this site?
Yep. Rally's used to be called Snap's. You can google it. I'm currently in love with Five Guy's. That does not look good written out does it?
Naugles had the best ground beef burrito with a big ole honkin green ortega chile it!!! Bakers might come close...never mind!Those burritos were MANLY two handers!!!They just had that special taste to wind up a night of cruising E street!!
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