But Tyler Perry is smart - he followed the old axiom of giving the people what they want.
Tyler created a job for himself where there was none.
Tyler catered to the masses to place himself among the (financially) elite.
One could open two types of businesses - boutique sales or mass sales.
One could create a Barney's (Which sells a few items at a high price point) or a Walmart (Which sells many items at a low price point).
The choice is up to the proprietor.
Perry chose to go the more financially lucrative 'mass appeal' route.
Tyler's movies consistently out gross (and out net) movies made with better marketing and better financing.
Tyler Perry owns his low-brow brand while earning an income that enables him to shop for high-brow brands.
While I can't stand Tyler Perry's movies - I gotta' give him credit for his game.
I ain't hatin' on Tyler Perry.
(But I still hate his movies.)
Sorry but I don't respect Tyler Perry's hustle any more than I do Flava Flavs.
Because he's Black and should have known better than to put out a bunch of crap?
He offers Dollar Store quality to those looking for Dollar Store goods.
If I ran into him, I'd keep walking. (i'm no fan)
But he delivers what many people think they want.
His movies are like those suveneirs bought at Disneyland - so alluring at the time only to be placed in a closet or drawer or garbage once one returns home.
Am I mad at those who amke those little mouse ears? Nope - people buy all kinds of stuff that they don't want.
Who's to blame?
I'm with you because that's the same way I feel about Puffy. GD dancing Negro pisses me off every time he smiles with his baby gator teeth but what he built is genuis.
Our problem as a group is that we don't have balance. So we look at the first ones there as having to be perfect. If we had more people making movies on a consistent basis he would fall in line under comedy.
Real talk people are just ashamed that there are so many of our folk who seem to like it. I am ashamed too but the businessman in me says it's overall clean. There are no Bitches, Hoes, Ni88as or any talk like that in there. It's cheap chitlin circuit humor on a big screen. I have to admire his ability to parlay from one medium to another. I don't hate him I just want to see the transition if he ever takes that step and enlightens his audience.
I don't hate him I just want to see the transition if he ever takes that step and enlightens his audience.
Freeman, what makes you think he's doing anything other than the very best he can? i.e., there's nothing else going on in the mind of TP.
@CNu - I've watched Ice Cube go from NWA to Are We There Yet so I believe TP can evolve. Simple people do simple things but once they are exposed to more they improve their output with the newly acquired knowledge. I think his movies will move on and stop being about so many simple things relating back to church.
Everyone grows even rappers do not talk about the same thing they did in their first album.
Hey I can't knock the hustle. He made his paper legally and legit. You got beef give it to the people who buy his stuff. I'm not a fan of the movies but his plays have had me rolling.
I respect the fact that he's getting paid and I even feel a little better about him than I do Flava Flav.......but not by much.
His movies carry every negative stereotype out there about our people.
I hate his movies, but I don't hate on him as a man.
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