What man could be as uniquely qualified to change the focus of the War On Terror as is Barrack Obama?
I'm no sycophant, and I don't champion every action by the President - but it seems that the man's slow and deliberate calculations may lead to the best final result.
Does race play a role in his ability to lead?
yes and no.
Race has nothing to do with one's ability,
but the experiences of one's racial identity can influence their perspective on how to handle any given situation.
Bush was a stereotypical white Texas cowboy - more swagger, less thoughtful action.
Bush (taught by centuries of historical arrogance) assumed himself to be the ruler of the world by birthright.
Obama was (is) something new, something harder to define.
Obama plays the role of the middle child - more diplomat than bully, more manager than pampered sissy.
Obama is an enigma - more Swagger (capital "S") - more thoughtful action.
Did the man solve all of our problems with his decisions concerning the wars in the Middle East?
Of course not.
But at least he's heading in the right direction, fighting the right enemy, and with the right strategy and temperament.
Did the man appease everybody?
But he articulated a point of view with which I can live.
I keep calling him the Jackie Robinson of politics. The right temperament for the times because everyone else would have surely f'd this up.
It's funny Afghan is finally the focus some 8 years later. Osama has been skiing in the Alps by now and probably died of natural causes. We're there this time to finish the job that we did on the Russians and that is don't ask people to die for you and then leave them starving.... from the movie Charlie Wilson's War.
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