since when did a golfer being (possibly) beaten by his wife become the top news story?
When did Blacks become this concerned with the life and marriage choices of a golfer?
But since the story seems to bleed more and more sex - this is worthy of front page news?
-petite women,
-with dark hair,
-who work at/manage/promote night clubs.
Come to think of it - Puta #1 (Kalika Moquin - 27 - Las Vegas Nightclub Promoter) looks a lot like the image of the Whore of Babylon pictured above.

Her skills of seduction are a little more rehearsed and refined.
But what do these women have that Elin (Nordegren) Woods (29 - current millionaire (set to collect a $5 mil. signing bonus) and future multi-millionaire (set to sign a $55-$80 mil. contract extension.) Hmmm. maybe Erin learned a thing or two about sports negotiation.) lacked?

Did Tiger just want a little more flavor?
Was Tiger tired of plain vanilla?
I'll (We'll) never know.
But what I do know is that Tiger seems to like women from nightclubs.
And that Tiger is afraid of women, at night, who swing (golf)clubs.
(And the "If they can't use our comb, don't bring them home" rule still seems to apply in this case. Elin could use their comb.)
But as I said earlier, "I used to be a "Ho'" too.
I sometimes run or work for nightclubs.
Since most people who go out are looking for a good time - I was often there to provide such a service to the right customer.
But this is the biggest mistake any club owner, bartender, promoter, manager or host can make.
This is because the people who frequent clubs don't understand that the "Flirt" is just part of the act.
The "Act" is to make every customer feel as though they are the most important person in the room.
But when the customer is used to thinking they are the most important person in the room - the "Flirt" is in danger of going too far.
(This is why girlfriends should never go to their man's club. What a girlfriend sees as cheating, the boyfriend sees as maximizing his profits by exploiting the insecurities of women. The art of the "Flirt" earns the boyfriend a greater sum of tips with which to take his girlfriend out. The boyfriend is just selling the illusion of availability.)
Like I said, I used to be a "Ho'".
But after enough visits by my doctor to my places of employment to examine my sick penis,
after being able to name the pill, shot or ointment used to cure almost every STD around,
after several abortions,
after kicking several worthwhile women to curb while in search of something 'new and improved',
after having every STD from B-Z (except for "H"),
I simply got tired.
Was what these women (and Tiger) did wrong?
Sure, but for me to judge any of them - well... that would be hypocritical.
1 comment:
I told you that this Tiger story would get bigger and more complicated than (I'm sure) Tiger & Family wanted it to be. Next chapter, claims of paternity of outside kids.
I still don't care though and this story still isn't news worthy (well maybe for the gossip mags and blogs, but not the MSM). All that can be said from this is that Tiger and his wife are human (and are apt to do human things), he made a huge mistake(s) (his words not mine), and he has a long road ahead of him in order to get out of the mess he created for himself. Such is life.
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