Some cite the popularity of J-Lo or Kim Kardasian as the reason behind the recurrence of the butt's popularity.
But really, it's all Bey's fault.
You see, many non-ethnic women could accept their man staring at Kim or Jennifer.
Each of these is closer to the media's ideal of beauty.
But when their men stare at a Black girl - it's gotta' be about the butt.
So if it's all about the butt - the butt becomes the most relished asset.
I just thought it odd that this woman's name happened to be "Solange".
Come to think of it... isn't Bey's sister also named "Solange"?
What happened to squats? Damn! Squats gives people a nice plum ass and that's just fine. If you're skinny it still won't look right. For the first time in my life I think I agree that people need Jesus.
Or lunges.
You know we live in a "get it now" society (as opposed to "get it right").
This "death by butt" is just another side effect.
People don't want to work for the body anymore when they could just as easily do a cut and paste job. Hell, a phat bubble probably wouldn't have fit the rest of her body anyway. RIP, lady.
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