Over at CareyCarey's spot, we were talking about the definition of "Blackness".
What FreeMan, CareyCarey and I came to agreement on was that Blackness was the ability to interact with most other Blacks under most circumstances (While not denying one's own Blackness.).
But SeeNew (Subrealism) put it better (in a grandiloquent dissertation-like soliloquy) on someone else's site.
Black is; "A communion of persons".
Imma' steal this one.
*Why use the religious imagery?
Because it's fitting.
In reading the Bible, one notices that very little work was ever accomplished by those who were in the temples worshiping in the dogmatic traditions of those who would rule.
Most of the important work was done in the mist of the people, in the environments of the people and in the language of the people.
Even Christianity's central figure was seen as a heretic by the establishment.
For many (who were too heavily invested in the system and it's success), he was a revolutionary.
So whether the "races" of those pictured is true or not, this is the symbolic imagery I wish to convey.
It just so happens that this is also the key ethical and practical differentiator of hesychasm, the vital core of oriental orthodox Christianity.
So Be It!
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