Who knew the list of Afro-Asian celebrities was this long?
Sure, all of these people could call themselves "Cablinaian" too,
Sure, all of these people could call themselves "Cablinaian" too,
but just Google "Black Amerasians" and read all of the stories about how the children of Black GIs are still treated worse than the children of white GIs in Asian countries.
Ne-ga-ro Pleeeease...
Ne-ga-ro Pleeeease...
Your ass is Black!
(And that is NOT a bad thing.)
Let's do the Black test shall we/
1) Are you a mix of two races and no one can tell which one?
2) Are you only accepted by Black people and just called light skinned?
3) Do you feel discriminated against for no good reason?
4) Are you mixed traits only appreciated by Black people?
5) Do you end up in a black barbershop or beauty salon because the scissors at Super Cuts don't work.
If you answered YES to any of the above WELCOME you are classified as Black. I as the official Black Welcomer welcomes you to our race. We are a good people and here you will find that there are more like you and we'll introduce them to you in due time. For now let's some real BBQ not that other crap.
Again Welcome and enjoy your stay because according to the way of this country and this world they won't let you in any place else. Please remember our motto "The Black Race, Yes We're Open!"
LOL @ FreeMan!
Yeah, I'm beginning to think that the idea of being considered black in the eyes of the "mainstream" public was so repugnant to Tiger, that he had to come up with this bogus (yet in a sense, accurate) classification for himself just so that he could make it through the day. I do believe he hated the idea of being black that much.
I have always been of the mind that people had the right to classify themselves however they like (especially if they were of mixed "race" [whatever that's supposed to mean now a days]). I would in turn respect their wishes and classify them however they wanted to be classified, despite any misgivings I might have had. So when Tiger was like, "I'm not black, I'm Cablinasian (or what ever the hell the term is)" I was like "oooook....that's cool I guess. To each his own."
I realize now that, though I would refer to Tiger as Cablinasian, in my mind I always saw him as black. Given the current comparisons being made about him and O.J. Simpson, much of "mainstream" public felt the same way.
The thing is, anyone can call me whatever they'd like.
I'm often asked, "What are you?"
"I'm Black." I always reply.
"And what else?", is usually the next question.
"Black and Black." I say.
But these questions are usually asked by people (both Black and non-Black) who have a limited definition of what it means to be Black.
It seems that many non-Backs have a low opinion of Blacks,
and many Blacks believe those opinions.
In reality, I'm not really ugly.
But the screen name was meant as a jab at people who hate Black people, or ugly people, or even guys named "John".
Call me whatever you hate.
The screen name is kind of like that guy in the XFL named "He Hate Me".
People can hate me all they wish, but it won't stop me from doing what I want to do.
I'm just as mixed as Tiger.
But from birth - I knew I was Black.
Not Native American... with some Black.
Not Mexican... with some Black.
Not French... with some Black.
Ne-ga-roe please - I'm just Black.
(And that is NOT a bad thing.)
Indeed, it is not a bad thing.
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