Why wouldn't a natural (produced by the human body) cure for Cancer be the most efficacious and desirable?

Apparently, Dr. David Vesely has conducted experiments in which proANP peptides (including; atrial natriuretic factor, long acting natriuretic, vessel dilator, and kaliuretic peptide), which are produced in the human heart, were shown to kill Cancer cells...
Well that would make too much sense and thus would discredit a lot of R&D already spent on trying to nuke it out of you.
BTW - Man that girl you got up blowing kisses to the right is distracting me from thinking clearly. Please take her down or put up another less appealing picture so it can be evened out a bit. LOL
Yeah... she IS a little cutie.
She's in the ATL - look her up when you're there.
An Unreleased Lady GaGa Song was Dug Up this afternoon with no traces of where it came from.
Some say that it was found in GaGa's Record Label's headquarters.
More info at http://ladygagaunreleased.blogspot.com
Free Download of the single at http://tinyurl.com/gagaunreleased
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