Everything from maintaining lawns, learning construction skills, painting addresses on curbs to decorating people's homes for Christmas.
I'm not cheap, but I see no need for young and able bodied boys to sit on a couch and collect money just because I happen to have a bit.
Today was the first day of these boys seeing a year-long investment pay off.
Last year, the day after Christmas, we spent some of their Christmas money on lights, extension cords, replacement lights and fuses, timers, and even a few lawn decorations.
Last year, the day after Christmas, these boys saw no point in spending their money on something other than the new Jordans.
Last year, the day after Christmas, these boys were pissed.

Today, these boys collected their first deposits and pay checks for the installation of Christmas lights.
Today, these boys made enough money to recover the costs for their supplies (Bought at up to a 90% discount).
Today, these boys paid their friends enough to help them and still walk away with much more money than they started with.
(This is important because just last week a few kids from their old block were arrested for armed robbery, and another for GTA.)
Today, these boys still own their supplies (Unless the homeowner decides to buy them at full retail prices - with a little added for delivery fees.) and began to build a customer base.
Today. these boys are not as pissed (But a little more cold and tired.).
Today (And probably for the rest of the next week.) these boys got paid!
With my parents stressing out about what they can give my boys for Christmas I think giving them jobs to do is a darn good idea. They get such a kick out of achieving. The problem will be finding jobs that will keep them occupied and outside for hours.
I have to add this onto the seasonal hustles on the Quick Hustles part of R&G. I think it's a great lesson in understanding how to buy low and wait til the market is right. Then you can repeat the Hustle again and reup with more next year.
It's like someone who does taxes like H&R Block you open when taxes need to be filed and then you close. While closed you reup and take on new markets and get your staff up ready for the next season. It's a great lesson!
@ FreeMan - Yeah... Did you notice the title of the post?
Yeah I noticed but I didn't want to come to your spot to bring attention to myself. So I decided to go with the flow.
@ doll - These kid's grandparents have already gotten them gifts.
But these kids were stressing over what to get their grandparents, girlfriends, or whomever.
With the money they'll make - they'll even be able to buy themselves the things they wanted but didn't receive as gifts.
@ FreeMan - How much more attention to you could have already given your spot?
(Well, I guess I could have provided a link to your site.)
You could say Rise & Grind is like the winning lottery numbers you can only win if you play. OR
Rise & Grind is as essential as water, how long can you swallow your own spit before you end up dying of thirst. OR
Rise & Grind is the one thing that is missing in your life which is the knowledge to create your own change in this life.
Then you could provide a link every paragraph that just says CLICK HERE so curious people who don't read will go to the site.
So there's some examples of how to bring more attention to the site. LMBAO
@ FreeMan - Oh... Okay.
Next time I'll remember.
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