The spinochordodes tellini (a hair worm) causes a grasshopper to seek water - where it eventually drowns - to enable itself to end up in it's optimal breeding environment.
The Helminthes enters crabs and causes them to leave the shelter of it's native tide pools (by lowering the crab's inhibitions) for the feeding areas of sea birds (which are the parasites primary hosts).
With our suspect food supply - maybe we are victims of some sort of parasitic control over ourselves.
like the mayans, aztecs, and the anasazi, we have become the latest north american children of the corn.., among other things.
I'm beginning to think so more and more.
I don't know about the parasites but eventually some virus is going to have a field day with us with all of the antibiotics in the meat supply.
We may not have a conspiring virus, but we did have smallpox blankets.
I was just thinking about whether 'diet' could be a factor in hood behaviors.
Stop trying to scare me John. I like to think I actually want a cheeseburger and not that I'm going there because some parasite compells me to.
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