I first heard the term in the movie "Tales From The Hood" (1995)
A Klan member got his comeuppance when the little Negro dolls formed a revolt a killed his ass.

When I asked the boys referred to as "Niglets" whether the term was offensive - all said, "No.".
Maybe they don't know enough to be offended.
But then again, maybe it's just a different generation.
When I asked what image came to mind when I referred to them as such, "Those little Niglets my grandma collects" was the answer.
(Not to be confused with the "Sambos" Big Don collects.)
I knew I'd seen it, but couldn't for the life of me remember the anthology in which that episode appeared.
I was thinking for a minute that is was the Doll episode in the original Trilogy of Terror, but then that doll came after Karen Black, not a racist.
Anyway, my use of the term is identical with your own, inclusive of the endearment "nigletitos"..,
No, they didn't know enough to be offended. They were too ignorant to be insulted.
Niglets indeed!!!
Reminds self to disallow anonymous comments on my blog....
I have in fact heard that word used by my wife. It was couched in a loud and long rant that had something to do with the behavior of my children while I was away.
Some things that are heard in my house will NEVER comeout of MY mouth.
@ brohammas - Yeah... it means the same thing as "Bebe's Kids".
Damn... you can't even bring yourself to use the term in your own home?
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