It wasn't long ago that many Blacks would back any team with a Black quarterback - but a Black head coach would outrank a Black quarterback.

Until recently, I had no idea there were so many Black newscasters on national news shows.
It's odd - Black people can be experts on more things than just being Black?
Who could have known?
Sure, Tomlin and Dungy have already won the big game - but wouldn't a third Black head coach only seal the deal?
Isn't it progress when we can root for a team because we like them without having to worry about race?
The issue is always the first guy in the door then after that since everyone's accustomed to it they stop with the racist ways. The problem is they are smart enough in the beginning to not believe in the prejudice but still do so and that what makes up racism. When people know it doesn't make any sense and there's no real different but yet still enforce a policy that inhibits others.
I wasn't rooting against him at all but the USC in me was hoping for a little bit of redemption for Reggie Bush. Man he had a hard year from the black women and from people thinking he wasn't worthy. I'm glad to see him redeem himself.
Yeah... I wasn't rooting against the coach either - but FOR Reggie Bush.
Still, only a few years ago such a decission would have been absurd.
What's really absurd is to celebrate Crispus Attucks as one of the first five guys to die in the Boston Massacre. It's the dumbest reason to notate that a guy was Black. This what happens when you want to prove yourself to others you nominate the first dummy to die in their wars.
First one in the door can often lead to others following... which then get the rednecks all up in arms.
During reconstruction our govt was starting to fill up with black representatives and leaders. The only way to stop it was to end reconstruction and turn the south back over to the Klan.
I can't help but think of that when I watch Teaparty folks all upset.
Wasnt it just last season we were guaranteed a black coach would oth win and loose the superbowl?
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