Sometimes keeping something "all white" is a desirable thing.
"This" is
not racist.

But if Tom Tancredo and his Tea Baggers had things their way - America (well, at least those in power) would be All White too.
Do we really need to return to the days of Literacy Tests?
This is racist.
I still can't pass that test right now and I went through Law School! C'mon you know people don't want to share they want to be the first in line and leave everyone else the scraps. It's the end of the great white way and they are trying to be polite about it. Damn BrObama election is like imperfect timing as it coincides with the massive displacement of most white people in the USA.
I think we do need a literacy test for ALL voters. The truth is that we Americans are, generally, stupid. Clearly people don't grasp some of the basic tenets and principals that underpin the founding of the nation. Concepts like separation of church and state, basic civil liberties, and all kinds of other principals that would inform them that trying legislate social issues is counter why the country was established in the first place.
The fact that so many people can get energized by an idiot Alaskan bitch, that has proved herself to be an idiot on television multiple times, including needing to write shit on her hand like she's a 1st grader cheating on a test, really tells you all you need to know about the intelligence level of the masses. FOX News is the "the most trusted" news organization in the land for God sakes!
I say bring on a literacy test for all voters.
However, I agree with yours and Freeman's sentiments, they're are just scared and worried that they are going to lose their stranglehold on wealth and power in the country and they're doing everything they can to solidify their power.
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