In a state where those from the 'superior race' are burning down churches and crashing planes into buildings (Unlike Fight Club where the buildings were evacuated first - the IRS building was seen as the Death Star where it's inhabitants were seen as complicit.) - one has to wonder, "What's wrong with Texas?".
But the thing is - Texans are the Jan Brady to California, Alaska, (and now) Alabama and Louisiana.
What are the Texas rallying cries?
"Remember the Alamo" - which they lost.
"The South will rise again" - they lost the Civil War too.
Texas is not the most populous state - that title goes to the hated California.
Texas is not the largest state - that title goes to Alaska.
In a state which celebrates it's "Friday Night Lights" heritage, Texas is not even the "Football State" - that title goes to the University of Alabama for college and to smaller poorer neighbor Louisiana in pro.
Texans see themselves as the eternal "Second Place Jan" whining, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia...".
But at the crux of this malady is their lack of education.
Texas ranks 42nd in the nation for it's schools (Which is up from 47th and 49th a few years ago. "Way to go Texas!" - I see that the "No Child Left Behind" policy is really working for you.)
It's not even surprising that 30% of Texans believe that a Flintstones scenario could be true.
(Sorry, my editing page will not allow links that work.)
When I hear the slogan "Texas! It's A Whole 'Nother Country." The first thing that pops into my mind is the question "Third world?"
My brother is in Houston and he thinks it's the most ass backwards state he has ever been in. He thinks the people are dumber than usual from top to bottom and that they are intentionally keeping it that way.
So I wouldn't be surprised if Texans believed they could secede from the Union. Texas has found a way to control ignorance and should be copied for everyone else. Somehow they are operating a state with C students. It might not be the beacon of brilliance but things are still getting done.
42nd huh? interesting in that since Texas has historicaly decided on a state wide curriculum, with one board deciding on the texts for the entire state to purchase, publishers have historically catered to Texas when writing textbooks... particularly history.
As a result the entire nation gets books that cater to Texas... hence the softening of the SOuth's loss, the lessening of slavery's evils, the villification of reconstruction, etc. etc.
if they are 42 and decide what books all the other kids get, what happens to the rest of us?
It seems as though many "smart" people I meet are just smarter than the dumb people which surround them.
I'm just a regular guy around my friend from home - but here, I'm Stephen Hawking by comparison.
You'd be surprised how much school work I have to send back to my cousin's teachers because of errors in the questions.
Well, Mississippi is dead last in just about everything. it doesn't seem like they are nearly as crazy as Texas.
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