Sure, Floyd may be the best boxer (pound for pound).

And Kobe may be the best basketball player currently in the league.

Some would argue that Weezy is the King of today's popular music.

But my heroes were different.

Maybe it's just me - but I grew up under a different set of expectations.
Like James Brown said, "Papa don't take no mess, papa beat the hell out of us.".
Freedom also includes freedom to act a fool, freedom to not be Black and freedom to have sex with white women. Yep look up freedom in the dictionary and you'll see all I did was cut and paste!
Oooooooh hit me! Freeman is right. Now we appreciate the right to act an asshole because we can do everything 'they' do. As if the barometer of progress should always be the majority standard. You're right. Most of the gals' role models today are famous not due to any talent other than whoring themselves via sex tapes or otherwise.
While I can appreciate the saaviness of a woman who uses her mind and her body to get ahead, I can't help but notice that the emphasis has been taken away from trying ones best and using ones mind. These guls now just don't seem to have ambitions rooted in reality.
Where much is given, much is expected... except these days those who have ben given much just feel entitled. OR, our heros have always had dirt on 'em the media just wasn't technologicaly able to feed it to us like today.
My (s)heroes are different, too!
Yes indeed, my heroes didn't appear on any stamps when I was growing up.
Where's brother Malcolm?!?
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