Jamie Fox had to play a blind guy as well as sing to earn his Oscar.
Denzel had to play against his good guy type to earn his nod.
Halle Berry had to come across as un-sexy.
All of these feats required a modicum of talent.
All of these actors had to act.
Monique is now the toast of the town for being her disgusting self?
Maybe the Oscar should go to the Casting Director instead.
Well she is the opposite of talented so isn't it consistent with the same farce that has been given to Black folk anyway?
"Monique is now the toast of the town for being her disgusting self?"
She's being rewarded for being a stereotype. Hollywood loves stereotypes both on film and in real life.
What do you mean by unsexy with Halle? Basically she got rammed by a redneck to get it? **Forgive the Language**
Yeah.....maybe so, but Mo'nique was awesome in that role.
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