What other minority gets to innately posses the power to rectify their situation?
(Okay, Stephen Chow in Kung Fu Hustle too - but that's a different post.)
Even Dorothy is told that she always possessed the power to return to Kansas in the Wizard of Oz.

He always possessed the ability to fix the situation - even if he didn't know it.
In movies, whites are endued (not imbued) with power - while minorities benefit from the benevolent use of that power.
You are leaving out Meteor Man! LOL
It's simple to me I'm sure in China the chinese guys are saving the world. This is a white country no matter how much they say its everyone and it's reflected in political thinking, business, and of course movies.
You can't get mad at them for making stories about their lives and not saying uh oh maybe a Black can save the day. If I wrote a story I don't think my story would have a white guy as a hero and probably not even in it. The white guys role would be similar to what Blacks are and that is someone who helps you to understand but lacks the power or knowledge to carry it out.
Except for Malcolm X (who died at the end) - what other movie made by Blacks tells a compelling story about uplifting the race against all odds?
When Spike called T.P.'s movies comparatively coonish - I had to agree.
Besides Spike, what other Black film maker is making movies that appeal to more than undereducated, underperforming or low expectation having Blacks?
Well The Spook Who Sat By the Door is a great movie but wasn't released in wide circulation due to it's content. Which goes back to my point that those with the purse call the shots even when it comes to other races.
Spike is great but he likes to say he is the King of Kings of Black filmmakers. He didn't like John Singleton nor Matty Rich nor the Hudlin Brothers.
Spike is a hater but his movies had content.
I liked "Boys" until "Menace" made it look like an After School Special by comparison.
(I gotta' look up who Matty Rich is - maybe I should drop by Invisible Woman's site more often.)
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