If we use a standard four box grid - with whites being on top and men being on the left - and then rotate it to resemble a harlequin pattern, we get the perception of partners model that seem to be believed by most Americans.
If White is seen as preferable to Black,
and men are seen as preferable to women -
by rotating the four box grid - Black women are seen as the least desirable of the group.
Well slavery would dispute those findings.
If Black women were portayed in a better light then that would flip on it's head. Right now Black women do not have enough outlets to set a new standard in beauty. So we are still stuck with skinny white girls on fashion mags and in your end of the world movies all you need is a repentant white girl to stop the mean old aliens.
It's more to do with imagery than actual fact.
"It has more to do with imagery than actual fact."
But too many of US believe the hype.
I'm not even a black woman but now you are even getting me depressed. Can't speak for the US but white women have certainly slipped elsewhere and I would speculate that chances of women finding great partners doesn't vary much across race.
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