You know you're Down South when a cousin takes these...

And turns it into this...

And then makes this...

And uses the rest for this!
I though we were Free!
I thought we no longer had to eat the scraps?
I didn't know "Eating High On The Hog" meant the tail.
I'm sorry - but some thing are just beyond the help of Tabasco sauce.
(Maybe I'll just go to KFC for dinner tonight.)
Some things just don't change. Even greens are the worst greens a person could possibly eat as the greens usually are the ones reserved for feeding cattle.
It's a tradition of ignorance backed up by folklore of what your mammy used to eat.
I don't touch that stuff as I remember with my Trini (trinidad) homie who wanted me to eat ox tails. I told him I never seen a ox so I ain't eating it!
I don't eat none of that pictured.
*LOL*.... Move over fellas, let a real man up in this MFer.
But FreeMan, now you know you and Uncle black get it on without reservations. And to some degree, I think I can join that party. So without pulling my punches my young friend, sit back and learn a little something from ol'skool.
The greens...Turnips, Collards, mustard, etc, are the best greens to eat! Hands down, they have the highest concentrations of vitimins K, A, C and E.
Why do you think white peoples faces look all dry and wrinkly - huh? Could it have anything to do with the deficientcy of those vitamins? I think it does. Sure, they'll eat Kale, but that a step cousin to the ones I mentioned. they'll eat lettuces but that's like drinking water.
Btw, Uncle Black, stop hiding. You know you came to my blog and saw those BABY BACK RIBS, and then got hungry *lol*. You probably snapped those pictures right at your dining room table.
FreeMan, you wasn't talking that mess when you were eating that manuetoe (sp) with ol'Chicaletta *lol*
I bet you'll eat a nasty chicken ass. He'll eat his shit, his cousins shit AND pig shit. Yes sir, warm corn right out of a pigs asshole.
Yeah, yawl stop breathing on those ox tails, I have some work to do. Who's got the hot sauce? What! no cornbread?!
Oh, that's right, you guys don't mess with that slave food :-)
I'll eat most fruits and vegetables - but ox tails, pig tails, chicken feet, chitterlings and horse ankles are taking it too far.
It was certainly interesting for me to read that post. Thank you for it. I like such topics and anything connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more soon.
@Carey - I'm with UBJ I'm a Kalifornia kid and that means we eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
I don't care if it's filled with Ying Yang stand up vitamins check into those greens and you'll see you shouldn't be eating them at all.
My chicken is from Zacky Farms and they only eat wild bugs and shit. LOL but I am sure there are no pig corn around it.
Your comments actually make me NOT want to ever touch this shit at all. Good Job!
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