But what few wish to accept is that there are some effed-up cops on the streets.
But what is it that motivates one to kill those appointed to protect the masses?
Are Cop Killers always wrong?
I have many friends who belong to various police forces - some good, some bad.
Most people (not even criminals) don't have a problem with the good cops - it is usually when members of the force start believing that the laws do not apply to them that the problems arise.
As I said, I know a lot of good cops who work to solve problems - not just to solve cases.
But I've also heard about many officers who engage in trading twins (laundering counterfeit money), dealing and using drugs, theft of evidence and merchandise and many who are as crooked as the criminals they are sworn to arrest.
Have you ever wondered how cops can just get lucky and stop the right car on the highway that happens to be carrying a nice load of product?
How do they always stop a car or truck that is speeding down the highway with it's occupants being high on weed?
(Have you ever driven on weed? Chances are, you're NOT speeding. Chances are, you're driving too slow.)
Sometimes these cops are on the inside of drug rings and let their fellow officers know when a shipment is being made.
But I heard that some officers make deals with drug dealers (Usually one or two shipments out of ten, or so.) to sacrifice some product to ensure the safety of the majority of deliveries.
The dealer gets to punish an insolent employee - and the cop gets his name in the paper.
When the cops get greedy (Wanting to take more than half of the product - Some to turn over as evidence and some to use as they will.), the dealers often retaliate by killing the wayward cop.
A criminal is a problem, but a dirty cop has a licence to do whatever they'd like (Or so they think.).
A dirty cop is worse than is a criminal.

(Are Mexican drug dealers only killing white, Black or Asian cops?)
Just Google "Cop Killer" and click the "Images" button at the top of your screen.
Judging by the available photos - some from all races seem to have problems with some police officers..
I'm not saying that the officers recently killed in Washington were dirty - only that their past dealing may shine more light on the motivation behind their killings.
I have friends who are Sheriffs in the worst sheriffs in LA. LENNOX. When I was growing up the Lennox Sheriffs and the Torrance Police were the worst. I myself as a teenager have been hogtied on the street and called plenty of racial slurs. Even when I was in my mcdonald's uniform!
The issue becomes the good cops not turning in the bad. I always ask them how you expect us to turn in the bad guys when you won't either. I mean you are riding shotgun to some of these guys while I just hear about it. The problem to me is the educational level for these guys because if you turn loose a bunch of high school soldiers like most of the guys are what do you expect. Most of our cops in LA come from the Marines down in San Diego and these guys are cornfed rednecks high school quarterbacks Friday Night Lights from Nebraska. We know they aren't the sharpest tacks in the bunch.
So if we know high school dropouts usually turn to the drug game then why is it a stretch to think high school graduates who become cops won't be on the take.
Yeah... I've had cops acquire gifts for me from those they'd stopped.
And the thing is, these guys think that they are the good guys.
I think one's experiences dictate their level of trust towards police officers.
I agree with you! I didn't know too many good cops in my lifetime. I thought they were all bigots and when they needed help I wouldn't give the dogshit from the bottom of my shoe. I actually told them when we were kids that I hoped they died today. To say we hated them is a understatement.
They surely weren't around us to protect and serve. They were there to harass and corral. Even though I have friends today I still don't trust them worth a damn. We get them rolling into the barbershop and even there everyone doesn't talk to them.
It's not a matter of being up to no good it's a matter of knowing Barney Fife ain't real!
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