"Only a moral and just society is capable of a democracy."
- or something like that.
Is the War on Terror even a just war anymore?
But how do we imagine ourselves able to force democracy on another country, culture or religion when we seem to be struggling with the concepts ourselves?

Depending on one's past experiences - the levels probably vary.

Is there any reason to trust someone we may not even know?
Is our society making the wise choices on something as simple as abortion?

I the seventh grade, it was Miss Washington.
In the ninth, Ms Leir.
But other than these two, the rest of my teachers looked like trolls who lived under bridges and ate goats.
But I was never as lucky as today's boys who enjoy private tutoring by their favorite teachers.
Is this moral?
(Q; What's the difference between a "Bitch" and a "Ho"?
A: A "Ho" does everybody, but a "Bitch" does everybody except you.")
Who are we to preach to other nations when we largely fail to understand morality and justice ourselves?
We are certainly not the moral authority of the world. But that is only true so long as our "moral authority" is the reason why we even go to war. Which it is not.
Let's be honest, truth, justice, and the American way is the lie being sold to the masses. Foreign wars, nation building, and the exportation of democracy are just a means of feeding the machine (military industrial complex).
C'mon UBJ you know this society real theme is "Do what I say not as I do".
It's the greatest experiment in the world of perceived Freedom. Then we ask other nations not to mention the obvious lies.
But hey the sheep actually think we go to war to spread democracy. I heard people say they hate our way of life after 9/11! Whatever the Hustle is they got critical mass to pump as much BS down everyone's throat.
Nice photo essay.
I have two thoughts:
1. If this society were a human being, it would be in the adolescent stage of development - narcissistic, impulsive, and not yet able to apply values and morals consistently, and in fact, searching for both.
2. We spread far less democracy than end-stage capitalism.
@ NoFace - We are just doing the same things as has any previous Empire.
Our need for their resources (to faciliate our standard of living) is the only important thing.
@ FreeMan - Yeah, but I think people are growing tired of the myth and Obama will be the scapegoat.
@ KIT - Fair enough. But I would add that we are an "insolent" adolescent who hates to learn from others.
If we look at how past empires fell - our current mistakes would mirror theirs.
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