What's the difference in thinking between Blacks and Asians?
Asians own the corner stores, nail salons and beauty supply chains where many Blacks spend their money.
Many Blacks see themselves as the customers and not the owners.
But can movies (or popular culture) influence this thinking?
Jet Li (above) possess the power to overcome in The One.
It is up to him to unlock his inherent power.
This revelation is only realized after a long and arduous process that brings him near death.
The Tyler Perry characters never possess an inner strength that has yet to be realized.
The characters are always just getting by and never rise to a self awareness that is beyond what others expect of them.
The characters always settle for just enough to get to the next bad situation.
Is this bad?
No, not really - but there has to be an example of a Black film maker who understands more than the "Just Get By" school of thought.
When Black film makers are criticized for their lack of inspiration, their supporters are quick to outline the "reality" of their work.
Maybe this is the flaw in any attempt to raise the bar for Blacks.
Maybe too many American Blacks feel as though it is their place to be the eternal victim.
Maybe too many American Blacks can't comprehend being in the top position.
Maybe our failure is that too many can't even imagine being anything other than a clown or a victim.
Maybe our common perception of ourselves is what is really holding many of us back.
Maybe we need to change the way we view ourselves and not worry so much about how others view us.
Real talk on the filmmakers they are just doing what's popular and stereotypically accepted. For Chinese folk they are Kung Fu and for Blacks they are clowns. This is what makes money in the US market.
The issue I think ruffles feathers is participating in the stereotypes. It's providing some kind of balance between buffoonery and sensibility. Just because it makes money doesn't make it right but that's the same argument rap music makes.
I don't think we can't imagine being on top, or that we are always the victim. The truth is we don't own things to actually put out our own image.
We have not set up the infrastructure to counteract what's put out by others. If we wanted to make our own movies we haven't set up the distribution and movie theaters to house our wares. The problem is as long as those who have the talent sell out by giving in the rest of us have no hope for a change until the STEWARD KING comes!
As opposed to the charisma inspired Sun Kings who produce few tangible results.
If a movie was made with a Black Neo - people would say "That ish is fake".
But so is a white Neo.
It's just odd that most people in America can accept a fictitious white savior as Universal - but a minority would be called wishful thinking.
What if Jesus really came back as Black, or looking like Osama Bin Laden?
How many Blacks, whites, Hispanics (or whatever) would accept that image?
I think we may have taken it too far meaning it won't be believed. I think if someone made it then we would believe it but do we have the money to produce it. If the people with the money don't believe it then good luck getting it out in the media. Afterall this is money that we are talking about.
I think people believed in the Cosby show as much as that was far fetched to most. I think Jesus would have to turn water into wine for the majority of us but the greater society at large won't believe him at all. Black, White, Hispanic, Jew or Gentile. No one wants to really believe in the end days anyway no matter the race.
Funny story about the Matrix. Will Smith was set to play the part of Neo but he turned it down in order to film Wild Wild West! Discuss...
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