Do we really need another chemical (
Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, Nuviva or whatever...) to solve a problem that could have been initiated by another chemical?

Apparently, a recent article in
Consumer Reports found that most canned foods were discovered to contain at least some amount of BPA.
The accumulation of BPA has many side effects, including (but not limited to):
Reproductive Abnormalities
Neurological Effects
Higher Risk of Breast and Prostate Cancers
Heart Disease,
and Erectile Dysfunction.
dude, the title brought me in and then I was not as amused = lol. Thanks for the health concern hon.
Sorry about that - this post is part of a larger arc.
yeah I noticed that once I got into it. LOL. I was just being a bit of an ass. I cant help that sometimes.
I guess us brothers are lucky we don't need to worry about that! Only little white men should.
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