Maybe this is true - maybe not.
I've also been told that, "Money answereths all things.".
Maybe this is true - maybe not.
(And this advice from the same collection of books.)
But what is the purpose of money?
To tell the truth, I'm terrible with money.
I have to only buy what I can afford.
I have to get my designer duds (Valentino, Armani, Jhane Barnes, etc. - not Polo, Sean Jean, Ecko,etc.) from friends who work in the industry and can offer huge discounts.
I have to buy cars or toys with cash.
I have to pay all my bills as far in advance as possible (Even to the point of paying my projected yearly utility bills in January.).
I know, I know... I should maximize my interest by collecting it for as long as possible in my own account.
But that's not me.
I'm terrible with money.
I can always get money (Getting paid to do what I like when I like to do it.) - but I'm terrible at making it (Getting paid to do what I don't want to do regardless of the pay.).
So I leave the financial advice to guys like FreeMan.
But what is the purpose of money?
Money is a tool, or a resource - but for what?
Is having a lot of money your goal in life?
If you get a lot of money, what would you do?
You see, this is where you begin to see the point of money.
Money is only important because it leads you closer to what you really want.
And what is it that you really want?
"Freedom of choice."
It's not the freedom of having a good job - but the freedom of being able to walk away from a good job.
It's not the freedom of buying your kids every pair of Jordans on the market - but the freedom to have your kids be able to buy their kids whatever is needed and desired.
It's not the freedom of having others view you as an equal - but the freedom of not caring in the first place.
Money is not the ultimate goal.
Money is just a tool which helps you reach your final goal (whatever that may be).
I liked this post.
What you say is so true.
Alright MadMoney is here! I agree money is freedom and that is whatever you want. If it's the ability to surf in Maui everyday then money can make that happen.
I think people accumulate it and waste it on what others say is happiness instead of doing exactly what you want and that might mean doing nothing and being content with the idea of not having to do anything.
@ FreeMan - Yeah... I've met so many people who became millionaires upon their retirement who only wanted to fish and drink Crown Royal while watching Monday Night Football.
These guys were perfectly happy doing what they wanted to do.
They only lost that happiness when others convinced them that they should do more with their money than leave it to their children.
Now many are almost broke and can barely afford to do what they worked their entire lives to enjoy.
I found this out myself. Once I had enough I found out I really just rather be at the beach. Then I started turning to what I can do with my freetime, without sacrificing my overall level of comfort.
I have people who feel I am wasting my life by not so called celebrate life like they would. The issue that they don't know is I've seen all of it before I had money in my pockets and I didn't care about it then.
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