Offensive? Maybe.
But this is the thinking behind most Republican males' support of Sarah Palin.
It isn't her sharp wit, knowledge of world events, or political acumen that they are attracted to.
Her appeal is that of any other divorce' - that of being on the market.
Is Sarah Palin all bad?
No, not at all.
Her stimulus package extends beyond that of the male Republicans' groins.
At least two female Democrats have benefited from Ms Palin's run for the penultimate spot in the nation.
How is this possible?
- Do you think Rudy Giuliani would have had a chance at the White House if he didn't happen to be the mayor of New York City on 9/11?
Rudy went from being a local mayor to a National Hero just for being in the right place at the right (or wrong) time.
Rudy should thank Osama Bin Laden.
- Or what about Taylor Swift?
If Kanye West wouldn't have interrupted her acceptance speech at the MTV awards, no one would have given her a second thought.
Voters for the Country Music Awards would not have felt the need to vindicate the young country star by "gifting" her all those major awards.
Taylor owes her current time in the spotlight to Kanye West.
Sometimes events converge to "Make" people.
- Tina Fey - Sure, SNL is an iconic show,
but the show is more remembered for it's past successes than it is for it's current malaise.
Tina Fey would have been just another former cast member (Think: Joe Piscapo) who tried to strike out on his/her own with a failed sitcom.
Ms Fey's popularity for her portrayal of Palin on SNL had to also benefit 30 Rock as well.
No Sarah Palin, no Emmy.
Tina should thank Sarah.
-Katie Curic - Thought of as somewhat of a lightweight for a news anchor prior to her Palin interview (And probably the reason she was chosen to interview the former Alaska governor in the first place.), Ms Curic may have been the one who shone the brightest light on Ms Palin's obtuseness.
Katie went from media dud to media darling overnight.
Maybe Katie owes Sarah a "Thank You" as well.
Does Oprah need Sarah Palin?
No. not at all.
But Oprah is a business woman who understand the mantra of, "Give the people what they want.".
(Or even what they don't want.)
Sarah Palin is a ratings coup for the Queen of Daytime television.
Will Oprah be "Made" by interviewing Sarah Palin?
No, The O is beyond that stage.
Being "Made" is something accomplished by lesser beings.
The O "Makes" people - even Presidents.
Almost made me cough up my milk with from laughing at that last line...
"Being "Made" is something accomplished by lesser beings.
The O 'Makes' people - even Presidents."
I think that it is a great idea because I love this comic, so the story is so interesting and the lines are so appropiate and fine.
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