But after an eternity, I'd be bored.
So, not knowing anything else, I'd create more beings like myself.
But I'd get sick of the Sausage Party and invent "variation".
Then I'd add one baad heina.
But then again, in eternity, I'd be bored.

These would act to continue the rules I would set forth without question or variation.
Everything would run as it should to perfection.

So I would created beings which had flaws.
Beings who were capable of making mistakes.
Beings who could also become conscious of their being.
Beings who could question their place in the grand scheme of things.
Beings who needed me to assist them in becoming perfect.

These beings would be rewarded (and punished) for the decisions they'd make.
The more closely they'd follow the rules of my universe, the more they'd progress in becoming a permanent part of it.
The more flawed and rebellious their decisions - the more likely they'd face permanent deletion.
Would my system (and I) be flawed,
or would the blame be placed on the characters created? (The characters were only doing what they were created to do with the attributes given to them by me.)
Should I provide a means to escape deletion through "cheats" (a savior)?
How many chances should each character have to get things right?
Should I allow "Save Points" to allow the characters to start from a previously successful run at the desired end result? (Instead of having to start over from the beginning of the game.)
Are video games a good interpretation of how the Universe was created?
I'm not familiar with your blog yet, but my first thought was What a daring post!
I like it.
Well in your example we think of God as a bored God who says lets create chaos. That seems to go against all that we know God to be as explained by MAN!
The video games give you domain over other people which we assume to be Godlike.
Loved this post! It makes a guy really think about the ish!
@ KIT - Whatcha' doing down here slumming with the fella's?
Nice to have another woman (and a well respected one at that) visit my spot.
@ Sometimes I think God did choose to reset his game (The Great biblical Flood).
It seems to me that video games are the closest hunans come to creating a universe.
@ Solomon - Thanks.
Does God even get bored or is that a human thing? Next question: The entire human plight exists to amuse God. Wouldn't he get bored with that too?
@ wallruss - I don't know, I said if "I" had to create a universe.
But I'd imagine that God would get bored - He gets tired and needs a day of rest, He gets angry and jealous and He retaliates.
Why wouldn't He get bored?
But maybe our accention creates beings with which He could engage (with whom He wouldn't get bored).
I clicked on the link because I saw the pics of kitana jade and Sonya before realizing that this is deeeeep
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