Friday, August 14, 2009

Gold Beef And A Men's Suit

An old measure of our dollar is to compare the prices of three commonly purchased items;
Gold, Beef and a Men's Suit.
Gold is trading @ $948.00 an ounce.

With the draught conditions increasing in Texas - the Abilene Auction is selling cattle @ $841.00 a head.
And a basic Armani suit can be ordered online for $899.00
It appears that the cattle is at the low end of the three items at about $850.00.
But if worse came to worse - which would you like to own?
It's not that prices have gotten out of hand - the problem is inflation and the lack of buying power for the US Dollar.
See what your money would be worth today;
With the stock market closing at two thirds of it's all time high (9321 (today) - 14164 (mid to late 2007)) and home prices down 22.3% from their all-time high in 2006 - Isn't it the right time to invest in necessary goods.
It's said that you can't take your money with you,
but I guess you could be buried in your new suit.


FreeMan said...

C'mon necessary goods are boring. Remember your cousins and the sugar cane who wants to do that boring ish! They'd rather look good and turn in their gold.

What's funny is gold has the best value and is still the commodity to be traded but the ignorant turn that in on TV everyday on that Cash4Gold hustle they are running. I guess I'm buying cows because I can get milk and meat and ish we already have grass.

Extra: ucking Texas beef is awful I wonder what California cows are worth if you can get that much in Texas. Damn cattle in Texas look like the ones in Calcutta!

brohammas said...

You ar elooking at all these as investment, while most of us are not to that point. I would say which you should purchse has less to do with the relative value than your situation.
If I run the risk of starvation, or if I feel the infrastructure and economy that provides food is not stable=cow.
If I am well fed but not to the point of investing, a "grow" mode if you will, the impression given to others can have affect on my future. I got food, but am not stable enough to plan for 20 yrs from now=suit.
I am fed, I am fine, but need to protect my assets for 20 yrs from now. I do not need to cash out or become liquid anytime soon as I have enough cash on hand to maintain day to day=buy gold.

Everything is situational.

FreeMan said...

@Brohammas - Of course it's situational but if you bought the gold you will have the power to enable the other two. The ability to produce and acquire is better than wearing the look of it or walking around with milk, butter and cheese.

Everyone understands what money enables so we are all there it's just we get caught up in not acting on it then falling back and claiming ignorance.

brohammas said...

FreeMan, I inderstand your principle but it is still assuming that you are closer to situation three than the others, meaning sure gold can buy the other things, but you can't eat gold. If you are hungry and have no access to a market willing to trade in gold, buy a cow.
Sure gold can buy a suit, but so can dollars. The advantage of gold is not that it can be spent but that it retains value. If I am at the suit stage, but buy gold, to then buy the suit, I have simply added a step, and if my time is in fact valuable than I have lost some value in the unnecessary effort. If I am in the middle stage I still end up with a minor net loss when buying the suit.

Of course being in a situation to buy the gold is best, but we arent all there yet.

FreeMan said...

@Brohammas - As the economy collapses people hoard gold because it still maintains value. So if we are Mad Max beyond the thunderdome I'm sure a cow is worth more but in the meantime the gold affords the opportunity and the flexibility to chose as the situation presents itself.

We are all there because we understand money and value. It's just a block of gold looks worthless next to faking it and drinking non-homogenized utter milk. People understand money no matter where you are in the world and the things that enable things to be purchased is the most valuable.

OK I win!

brohammas said...

I was completely ready to go to the mats on this till you said "non-homoginized utter milk."

for that line, I cede you the win.

uglyblackjohn said...

The funny thing (to me) about Cash-4-Gold is that people say that the economy is bad and that no one has any money...
But WHO is buying all that gold?
(People with money?)

uglyblackjohn said...

(And yes... that cow does look pretty hungry. The draught is THAT bad.)

FreeMan said...

They got so much money they satisfied their quota then came back out again after Ed McMahon died. I was laughing thinking about people sending in their old dookey rope chain from the 80's or the herringbone. Someone is making gold bars shoring up their life with or without the American dollar. Man I got to come up with a hustle that makes people send me ish to get pennies on the dollar.

The beef MAN! I was in Houston and went to Jack in the Box and the meat tasted like ish. I thought it was just bad meat from there so I tried WhatABurger and that is certified crap, and the restaurant is a mustard and ketchup burger. I got folk down there in Houston and Waco and they don't even eat the beef unless they are at a West coast Mexican place.

Extra: I was just down there and my brother was happy he found a Mexican place that tasted like home. He called me on the phone saying I found some west coast Mexicans. When I went to the restaurant it tasted just like LA and that had me dying laughing.

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Anonymous said...

Wow, gold beef and a men's suit, it's so surreal. I love to wear men's suits because it's so surreal like in film. Purchased several cheap suits for men last month and they look great and of course cheap.