Okay, okay...
I should accept people as they are and think of them as sexy (even though they are not).
I should give praise to the looks of Gabby and Mo' and celebrate that they are being themselves.
I should take the Sam's Value Pack point of view when judging women (thinking that getting more meat(?) for the same price is a good thing).

But again, I ask, Is Tracy Morgan a "sex symbol"?
Why not?
Didn't he get an Emmy nomination?

Besides Forrest Whitaker - name another fat Black actor with steady work?
Didn't he also win an Oscar?
Maybe all the fat guys should celebrate his girth as "keeping it real" too.

Wasn't Biggie nominated for a Grammy?
Would you fat defending women date him?
I don't understand why people confuse beauty for talent (or supposed talent) and vice versa! I mean from what I can tell Gabby Sidibe is a good actress. However, that doesn't mean I would by her a drink (if you get my meaning).
I'd buy her a drink - if she was hanging out with Melyssa Ford.
I'd even talk to her - about Melyssa Ford.
I'd even give her a ride home - on the way to taking Melyssa to my home.
@UBJ - LMBAO if she was a good friend who could introduce you to Melyssa Ford too right? LMBAO
I agree we might not think their sexy....but someone will.
And yes, I agree with Ms. Noface ppl need to stop confusing beauty with talent. I mean Jay Z wasn't cute from jump...now that he is making all this bread...he looks the same...NOT SEXY by far!! at least I feel that way. I'm sure B and some other chics might say otherwise..
Great post!!!
Seeing them as sexy is one thing, respecting them as people is another. I, personally, don't feel this apparent onslaught of pressure to see fat as sexy that you discuss. Yes, there are a few that espouse this propaganda, but even they know it's not true. I do see a lot of discussion about trying to get society to be more realistic about images of beauty. Even those beautiful actresses and stars don't look that good. It does start to set a standard that becomes ridiculous. Monique IS greasy, but she could never satisfy you anyway. She could lose a lot, but even then she couldn't even come close to a beyonce type figure, in my opinion. She has a particular body type/build, characteristic of a lot of Black Women, and she's always going to be a "big girl", relative to those bony White girls you like, no matter what she does, short of surgery.
I think you got the "fat guy" thing all wrong. Everyone knows there's a double standard. Dudes can be fat. They just need money, fame, or power and most women will be all on their nut sack; women cannot be fat. There are a lot of fat actors that can, do, or could work constantly besides Forrest Whittecker: John Goodman, Jack Black, Danny De vito, Vince Vaghn, Jason Alexander, Bob Hoskins, Ricky Gervais, Kevin Smith...and on and on, not to mention all fat, luminaries that are no longer with us, including the guy in you post below, Marlon Brando. The fat thing generally does not apply to dudes, in most capacities of life, if you got fame, money, or power. I'm pretty sure Biggie had no shortage of puzzy.
Hey, I saw Forrest on the The View and he's lost weight. I've dated men of all weight classes. My recent ex was a black man who was a little heavy, and before him there was the other ex blonde, blue eyed 6'3 and thin. My point? Most people have an ideal mate and there are some people that they just don't find attractive. Me? I it depends on the person. That said, no bad teeth and no ugly, (the recent ex wasn't that cute, but was talented).
Hello. And Bye.
Yeah just like to say there's some people who thinks they are very sexy or something haha a sex symbol it's a kind of invention from the actual years for people as you know the world was changing in a very very sucks way...
Nice post, very interesting.
definitely has all the reason in each person is the beauty inside because outside maybe is so ugly and the contrary there are some who deserve the merits only for their skills
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