Maybe this includes Asians too?
The Gentlemen's Agreement (1908), The Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) and The Immigration Act (1924) all prove otherwise.

And do I really have to go over Slavery, Jim Crow Laws or the Three-Fifths Compromise?

What was the reason that the US did not require more land after the Mexico-America War?
Acquiring more land would have produced more Mexican-American residents.
Why is anyone surprised when some don't think "Justice for All" applies to everyone?
No one is surprised it's just then the anger that rises is squashed through intellectualism. The con is knowing one thing and still knocking on the door asking them to act another way.
People are only surprised that the architects haven't changed from their devilish ways. People keep trying to prove their OK but their skin is their sin.
I get a kick, or would like to kick, the "you are in America speak English" crowd. There are multiple families and towns over your way that have never spoken English and the people never immigrated... The USA just took over and they stayed put. Why arent they sayin', yer in Texas, Arixona, New MExico, speak Spanish!?
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