But one of the side effects of such treatment is that the subject may be left with a sensitivity to light.
Given that the Pineal gland needs darkness to produce melanin (a Cancer fighting agent)
Is being more sensitive to light really what is desired?
Would this sensitivity inhibit ones ability to fight other types of Cancer further down the road?
Sometimes, answers are not solutions.
"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing"
The Conscious Mind is Fitted to the Photon Interaction
However, what is normally referred to as the "conscious, thinking mind" is simply a functioning temporal (rigorously, chronotopological) mechanism that is painfully built up in the individual's awareness (his mind in the greater sense of both thought and awareness, whether monocular or multiocular) by training, conditioning and experience. Its functioning is largely conditioned by one's 90% or so attention to visual stimuli (to the partial reality remaining after photon interaction has been invoked, and to the memory-collated ordering of vast numbers of such photon interactions) and by one's cultural conditioning - which itself has been almost exclusively conditioned and shaped by the monocular photon interaction at base root.
Thus, since the beginning of man, his conscious, rational mind has been trained and constructed to function almost exclusively in basic correspondence with the photon interaction, and his experiential reality consists of the partial reality stripped from fundamental reality by photon interaction.
All "perceived differences," e.g., are created by this deep mind-set. As has been previously pointed out, 6 the solitary human problem responsible for all man's inhumanity to his fellow man is directly dependent upon man's almost exclusive detection, observation, perception, and conception of "difference" between humans, these "differences" being due exclusively and totally to the fitting of men's conscious minds to the photon interaction's monocular separation of spatial reality from nonspatial reality, i.e., to
∂/∂T (L3T) => L3
Such well-nigh total devotion to, and enslavement by, photon interaction also is responsible for the scientist's well-nigh total devotion to, and enslavement by, the present imperfect and incomplete three laws of logic, as presented by Aristotle. The depth of that devotion and enslavement is evidenced by the fact that the resolution of such paradoxes as Heraclitus's problem of change have eluded the best minds of humanity for several thousands of years. Indeed, these paradoxes cannot be resolved by the conscious, rational mind in its present state, for it has been most firmly constructed and fitted to function in accordance with the photon interaction.7 One cannot hope to resolve any logical paradox by using only those same logical methods that found the situation to be paradoxical in the first place!
So we are not healed because we are not ready to be healed?
The healing agent already exists but we only limit our scope of vision to what is seen after a photon has passed through the two slots and our eyes will not see the full spectrum of options?
Sometimes, answers are not solutions.
If your only tool is a hammer, it's surprising how many things begin to look like nails.
You coulda' just said that instead of having me read your earlier posts (Which I'd already read) and that last site with it's refereneces.
I was just chiming into the amen chorus on your article, with all the current emphasis on optopharmaceutical this, and optogenetic that.
The simple fact of the matter is that the opto-orientation is a deep cultural predilection - effecting every.single.thing we think, feel, and do. You've read Jaynes, you know how deep that "metaphor" conundrum goes.
Not only the conscious mind, but also the technological doing is fitted (constrained by) the hammer of the photon interaction.
You were on this subject just the other day, the first time "I" dropped the vulgar contraction "As above, so below, as within so without".
Oh, I understood that.
It's just that sometimes I get lost in all the assigned homework.
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