Does this apply to science as well?
The chemical reaction in Dynamite gives the compound great explosive power - but the smaller nuclear reaction gives a nuclear weapon even more power.
Can the same be said of nano-additives in many consumer products?
An aol story (front page, story 10) http://www.aolcdn.com/aolnews/cancerresearch.pdf
points out that more than 10,000 over the counter products contain nano-titanium,
and that these products have an effect at the chromosomal levels of DNA.
"Better living through science?" - says who?
Here in Australia we are a living experiment in nano-zinc. Last year it was widely publicized as the perfect sun-screen and subsequently added to cosmetics and sunscreens across product lines. No disclosure is needed that the zinc in the product is nano-zinc. The only way for Australians to avoid it is to buy products from Europe where it is not allowed.
Are the Aussies still thought of as a penal colony on which the Europeans may experiment?
is nano-zync like a jigawatt?
as in 10.21 gigawatts for your flux capacitor?
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