Recent reports state that Jihad Jane 2.0 (Jamie Paulin Ramirez) was more interested in pleasing her lover than in the $100K being offered upon the death of Swedish artist Lars Vilks for his portrayal of Muhammad as a dog.

100k for killing the guy who drew this?
Why isn't the same offer tendered for the death of Andres Serrano for his
Piss Christ photo?

What about Elton John and a Son of Utah (Artist, Dirk Vanden) who state that Jesus himself was gay?
Because most Christians don't really believe in their religion. Christianity is the convenient religion so no one gets mad at too much of anything. They only get mad when another religion threatens their convenience of sinning in the current system.
The political power of Islam over countries is much stronger than the political power of Christianity, which has declined markedly since democracy spread through christendom.
As a child I always thought Jesus was peculiar with his preference for male company so I don't find Elton Johns stance very surprising.
Now I live in a different culture where groups of men socialize together away from their wives for a significant part of every day I can see that my childhood thoughts might have been uneducated.
Most all Christian religions are off shoots, or protesting groups that once broke off from another, older Christian organiziation. If each sect called for the head of a blasphemer they would eventually be calling for their own historical self.
The same thing is true for the Muslims, but it doesn't seem to stop them.
I think the fundamental difference between the different reactions to (disparaging) portrayal of Muhammad and the portrayals of Christ is that (most?) Muslims object Any Image of Their Prophet being made (whether favorable or unfavorable). So I think that the outrage present in the Muslim world over the cartoon of Muhammad has more to do with the fact that the cartoonist had the nerve to make an image of "the prophet" than the fact that he put his head on the body of a dog.
I don't know what Muslims are taught when it comes to offensive words, images, acts toward their spiritual leader/religion, but in Christianity (for the most part) folks are taught to turn the other cheek. That is not to say that some under the banner of Christianity don't get or wouldn't/haven't gotten violent over images such as the ones found in your post, it's just that (IMHO) such extreme responses would not be the norm for those belonging to Christian religions in this day and age.
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