Monday, March 22, 2010

Weird Science

In an attempt to better harvest the Sun's natural energy, and that of the Hydrogen molecules within water - scientists are trying to create a Carbon-free Molecular Water Oxidation Catalyst (Sort of a mechanical photosynthesis process to form Hydrogen with an Oxygen byproduct.) which is not cost prohibitive.
Up until now - the process was similar to paying a dollar to generate a dime.

Other scientists are working on a biological solution using genetically modified cyanobacteria.
But what happens if the altered creations spawn and reproduce until there is nothing left of the planet's atmosphere but fuel ready to be ignited by the Sun's heat?
Scientists in Arizona are already working on the problem.
Apparently, adding a bacteriophage to the cyanophore will incite a form of suicide from the little energy makers.
(Okay- the link doesn't quite work directly but by clicking the Google link and that of the first story listed after that, it should take you to the right page about Suicidal Cyanobacteria.)

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