"A lot of Black women are larger than white women.", some might say.
But this is not the case.
America, as a whole, is overfed but undernourished.
To gauge the weight issues in any municipality - just take a stroll though the nearest Walmart.
The ratio of 'fat to fit' should be readily visible for even the casual non-scientific observer.
American Black women aren't just large 'boneded' (I've yet to see an overweight skeleton.) - many suffer from a poor diet and a lack of activity.
Some blame their hair, saying that they don't wish to sweat out their weaves or perms by working out.
Some say it's genetic - without even understanding how the human genome or epigenetics work.
And many have just given in to the school of thought which teaches that 'Bigger is Better'.
Many (Like Mo'Nique) are trying to say that fat girls are the 'Black Standard' for beauty.

But Black women being judged by their weight is not endemic to Black women.
While listening to a group of Black women speaking about Kelli Le Broc's (Weird Science) weight - all commented that her body was the ideal...
at her pre-Celebrity Fit Club weight.

Many of the same women would love to have Kirsty's current body.

Sans 'Mom Jeans' - many would think Jessica Simpson's body to be the ideal.

But no one is trying to paint a picture of Rosie O'Donnell as a sex symbol.

And who wants to see Rosanne Barr jump on stage and drop it like it's hot?

And the eternal dieter Carnie has never been praised as a sex symbol - not even after her Grammy.

Actors like Sheryl Lee Ralph are of average body type - but still sexy.

But my preference is for coke bottle figures (No, not the two litre bottles - the old school bottle.).
Women like Stacy Dash may not be the average Black woman - but she isn't the average woman... period.

Even back on 21 Jump Street and Hanging With Mr. Cooper - I've always preferred Holly Robinson Peete to Halle Berry.
I just like her long toned body type.

I'd even have to say that John Meyer has good taste in giving a shout-out to Kerry Washington.
Nice face, nice body and no Ebonics (But without the affectational staccato speaking style of many women attempting to sound as though they didn't come from the hood.).

And the list of fit Black women singers is almost as endless as the list of fat Black singers.

But I still like Halle.
Women like Halle (And her Oscar) are the standard of Black beauty I'd like to see - not women like Mo'Nique.
All this stuff was a whole new world to me before my treck to the ATL. Coming up it was a well known standard that you would date ugly before you would date fat.
Some nice looking women in that post man!!!
Don't worry fat will never be accepted it'll just be tolerated. I was laughing at Howard Stern talking about the girl from Precious. Many take it as being racist but it's true and it's funny.
People feel sorry for fat people so it's like saying everyone's a winner to little kids. Really they are a loser and we hope they appreciate someone trying to be nice about it.
UGB - I think you have a valid point.
@FreeMan- Howard Stern is a wet fart stain so anything he says about black people is suspect. Clearly this young woman needs to lose weight, but you know what? That's none of our effing business and the amount of pure hatred beind directed her way is just silly.
People have placed her in this role she didn't ask to be in. Because she says she has learned to be okay with herself? What the hell is she supposed to say on camera? I feel like shit cos I'm obese? No. Let her deal with her issues in private and put on a brave face in public. Let this girl love herself to the point where she seeks the help she needs.
@KST - If she didn't want the attention she wouldn't have ditched school to audition. When you decide to voluntarily put yourself on TV or on a movie then you know what you are asking for people to notice you. So I don't feel sorry or feel it ain't my business.
No one placed her in a role she auditioned for a role. If you decide to stand up expect to get questioned. She wants to be a star aka to be noticed aka to be famous. This is not the little girl being teased in the cafeteria. This is you noticing Lindsay Lohan does crack.
Brave face my ass people are just feeling sorry for her acting like it's a condition she has. Be careful what you ask for cuz when you want attention you don't know what they are going to pay attention to.
Extra: I'm not championing Howard Stern but just because he notices that a Black girl is fat it doesn't make it racist. The whole nature of his show is a sophmoric approach to humor so why wouldn't he pick the easiest target in the room.
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